𝟚𝟚 - Masturbation 🍇

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˜*°•.Chapter Content.•°*˜

Against the wall, Masturbation.

Word count: 1702


Kokichi sighed, closing his eyes as he slipped off his shoes at the front door. Customer service is a bitch. He hated his job but it helped pay the bills. Okay, he didn't need to work to pay their bills but he wanted to help in any way he could. With Shuichi being a highly rated detective and Rantaro owning a successful business, they had more than enough money between the married trio. You wouldn't know it though, the three didn't want to live in luxury. They were happy as they were.

As he passed by the sofa, Kokichi dumped his esky onto the leather furniture. Shuichi would be irritated at him for being untidy, but he didn't care. It was amusing to witness Shuichi entering what Kokichi dubbed 'Mother Mode' when he or Rantaro was disorganised.

Trudging up the staircase in their two-story home, an unexpected yet familiar noise filled his ears. Moaning? Ears perking up, Kokichi followed the sound to the other side of their closed bedroom door. It wasn't odd for him to come home to find his husbands having sex, especially since he sometimes worked the late shift.

The white door was cracked open but Kokichi still couldn't see anything. Creaking it open further, he pushed it just enough to peek at the duo.

Shuichi was bent over the bed with Rantaro pushing his body into the mattress. He moaned loudly, gripping at the sheets with such force that Kokichi half expected them to rip. A glisten attracted Kokichi's attention to a considerable white blot on Shuichi's thighs. Rantaro pounded into the bluenette, the bed creaking as Shuichi shrieked in pleasure. How Shuichi hadn't been torn in half was a mystery to the purplette.

Kokichi's pants felt claustrophobic at the sight. He hurried to undo his belt and unzip the fly of his work uniform. Continuing to watch from the crack in the door, Kokichi masturbated with one hand and bit the finger of the other to conceal his potential moans.

Rantaro pivoted Shuichi's head to face away from Kokichi, mouth uttering words that Kokichi couldn't hear. He pushed the bluenette into the mattress, leaning his body close to the other's back. "C-Cumming!" Shuichi shouted as his body trembled beneath the taller.

"Me too," Rantaro grunted. His thrusts appeared to grow sloppy, the sound of slapping skin growing less rhythmic. Kokichi's hand sped up and it became difficult to hold in his groans. He had to though, he couldn't disturb the others' fun.

Kokichi listened to Shuichi scream, the other two panting as the slapping sound ceased. He groaned into his mouth, the noises bringing him closer to his orgasm. Eyes widening, Kokichi properly covered his mouth as he stepped to the side, hiding flat against the wall. His hand had left his pants, the anxiety of possibly being caught making his heart pound.

He felt his cheeks flush, talking inside of the bedroom ceasing. It wasn't clear why Kokichi felt embarrassed, after all, he was married to the other two. "Come out Koko," Rantaro called. Kokichi zipped up his pants, not bothering to readjust his belt. There was an unmistakable laugh hidden behind Rantaro's order.

Slowly swinging open the door, Kokichi shuffled inside and stared at the smoky purple carpet. He yelped in surprise as someone grabbed his wrists, pinning him to the wall between a dresser and the door. His clothed chest pressed against the cool, light-grey concrete, wrists by each side of his head. "Were you playing with yourself as you watched?" Rantaro's voice was low and seductive, arousing the purplette without even trying.

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