𝟙𝟙 - This Will Be the Last Time You Lie to Me. ♠️

191 4 14

˜*°•.Chapter Warning.•°*˜

Brief sex.

˜*°•.˜*°• •°*˜.•°*˜

Shuichi smiled against Kokichi's soft lips as the two broke apart. "Alright, I'm off to kill someone!" Kokichi cheered as he jumped to his feet and ran towards the dorms. The detective knew that his boyfriend would never kill someone as the two had privately talked together about the killing game. All Kokichi wanted was to uncover the mastermind, he'd never hurt someone despite his antagonistic behaviour.

Turning to his friends, Harukawa and Momota, Shuichi smiled and continued his push-ups. The three decided to work out every night even though Momota never truly did anything, but Shuichi didn't mind the company during the hell they were in.

A yawn escaped Shuichi's mouth, causing him to slip and fall to the ground with a grunt. "Go to bed Saihara," Harukawa demanded.

"Yeah, you did well today Sidekick!" Momota grinned, sticking out his thumb as he rested his head on his hands, staring up at the stars.

"Thank you guys, goodnight." Shuichi gripped his bundled jacket and waved to his friends as he left toward the dorm rooms. He covered his mouth in another yawn as he stumbled up the staircase to Kokichi's dorm. The two had agreed since the beginning of their relationship three months prior that they'd sleep in the same room. When the two were apart, Shuichi found his anxiety worsening out of fear that the first killing game victim would be none other than Kokichi.

Slipping a key out of his pocket, Shuichi stared at the metal object with a smile. The two had tricked the Monokubz into creating spare keys for their dorms, giving them to the other. Shuichi slipped the key into the lock of the soundproof dorm, easing open the door to sounds that caused him to stop dead in his tracks.

Moaning? Shutting the door behind him without creating a sound, Shuichi locked it and gripped the key in his hand. The bed creaked as a familiar voice moaned and yelped, masking the slapping of skin bouncing off the walls. Shuichi further entered the room and frowned at the sight, not a sliver of logical thinking left in his mind.

Kokichi shouted as he begged Amami to continue, the two unaware of their visitor. Dropping his jacket to the floor, Shuichi felt his expression harden into a glare rivalling Harukawa's. "What the fuck?" Shuichi spat as the two ceased their activity and attempted to cover up with the blankets.

"O-Oh uh, Shumai!" Kokichi chuckled awkwardly, joining Amami as the two threw on their clothes without much care. "Listen, I can explain!" Shuichi said nothing, only glaring at the male as Amami idled behind them. "Beloved? Please talk to me!" Approaching his boyfriend, Kokichi (now fully-clothed) reached up to Shuichi's face, cradling his jaw.

Shuichi had never been so angry in his life. Rage bubbled away in his body, clouding all sense other than bloodlust. "Amami..." He muttered, pushing Kokichi off of him and turning to the greenette.

"Saihara I'm sorry-"

"Don't." Shuichi took multiple steps toward the male before lashing out, feeling the metal key rip through Amami's throat.

"No!" Kokichi screamed, reaching forward and grabbing Shuichi's arm, but nothing could prevent the blood spurting from Amami's gurgling throat. Shuichi threw the purplette off of him again and ripped over Amami's neck further, repeatedly shoving the key into his wound. Continuing to scream and fight Shuichi, Kokichi attempted to pull his boyfriend away, succeeding at the last minute.

Shuichi fell backward with a smirk, staring at Amami's bloody, shredded corpse. There's no way he can survive that, he'll be dead within a few minutes. No one will care until breakfast anyway. "What... What have you done?" Kokichi whispered, staring at the body with wide eyes.

Kokichi turned and attempted to run toward the door, not accounting for Shuichi already anticipating the reaction. Shuichi whipped his hand out and grabbed Kokichi's ankle, causing the male to fall to the carpet with a heavy thud. Jumping to his feet, Shuichi grabbed Kokichi's weak body and swung him around, slamming him into the nearest wall. Shouting in pain, Kokichi gripped Shuichi's offending arm, making futile attempts to escape the detective's sudden surge in strength.

"You told me you loved me," Shuichi muttered as he glared through Kokichi's eyes into his soul. The male trembled beneath him, either from fear or adrenaline, but Shuichi didn't care.

"I-I wanted to tell you!" Kokichi cried, a sliver of a tear pricking his violet, terrified eyes. "Shuichi, I was going to tell you I promise! It just never seemed like the right time!"

"Tell me what exactly?" Shuichi, being a detective, found it child's play to read someone's body language. Kokichi may be an expert liar, but every talent has its weak point.

"I've fallen for you and Amami and I want to date the both of you... It's not exactly an easy conversation to have with your boyfriend!" Kokichi argued.

"You thought cheating was the better option? If you had told me I wouldn't have had a problem with it, I like Amami too," Shuichi muttered.

"R-Really?" Kokichi gasped.

"No. You're not the only one capable of lying," Shuichi snarled.

Kokichi sighed and stared toward the floor, his hands dropping to his sides as Shuichi kept him against the wall. "Guess you caught me Mr Detective."

"Why?" Shuichi received no answer, only fuelling the fire. "Answer me!" He shouted, releasing Kokichi only to shove him against the wall again with more force.

"I never loved you, that's why!" Kokichi shouted, squeezing his eyes shut.

"Is that the truth, or another one of your little lies?" Shuichi hissed, anger piloting his behaviour without a care in the world for what consequences may lay ahead.

Kokichi allowed tears to pour down his cheeks as he wept. "Why'd you kill Amami?!"

"Did I mean anything to you?!" Shuichi shouted, thrusting his arm deeper into Kokichi's collarbone.

"It was a serious lapse in judgement, okay?! I admit I did something wrong! Just let me go! Please!" Kokichi shouted, flailing his arms in an attempt to break free.

"Did you even care about me?" Shuichi demanded, ignoring Kokichi's outbursts.

"Of fucking course, I love you!" Kokichi shouted, angering Shuichi further. Shuichi read Kokichi's body language like the back of his hand, he knew every moment when he lied within an instant.

Shuichi's golden, dull eyes narrowed as the male raised the key and thrust it into Kokichi's eye within the span of a millisecond. Kokichi shrieked as Shuichi stepped back, holding his crimson eye in agony. Staring down at the male cradling his eye on his knees, Shuichi huffed in sadistic amusement.

"I hope you realise that you've killed everyone. This killing game never threatened my life, it's almost made for me," Shuichi whispered. "You should know not to fuck with a detective. Everyone sees me as an innocent angel, all because I'm a member of law enforcement. No one would dare suspect me," he chuckled.

As Kokichi cried and writhed in pain, Shuichi strolled calmly to the desk of small trinkets the other stole from around the academy. Picking up a knife from Harukawa's Ultimate Research Lab, Shuichi approached Kokichi with a smirk. He grabbed Kokichi and lifted him into the air, thrusting the knife into his side.

Kokichi screamed and cried, begging his assailant to stop. It didn't matter though, he wouldn't survive his wounds. No one would believe a liar like him anyway if he did. They'd all assume he murdered Amami, harmed himself and tried to blame it on sweet, shy Shuichi.

Pulling the male closer, Shuichi smiled as thrust the knife into Kokichi's neck, leaning into his ear. "This will be the last time you lie to me."

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