𝟙𝟞 - Hearts 💜

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Piping the last of the sweet, white cream onto the pie, Kokichi grinned as he stood back and admired his work. He'd created a mixed berry pie on his own, and he felt proud that he'd accomplished the feat. Normally, Kokichi couldn't cook on his own due to past trauma in kitchens, but he'd finally done it on his own.

He's created a border using vanilla whipped cream, adding a large heart outline in the centre. With a smile, the male grabbed a container of white and pink heart-shaped sprinkles and poured it over the pie.

Picking up the cool treat, Kokichi giggled and walked to the backyard, a bounce in his step. Sliding the door closed with his foot, Kokichi approached the two listening to music on the veranda, drinking beer on their holiday. "Huh? Did you cook, Kokichi?" Rantaro asked, brows furrowing in confusion.

"Yep! You would've known if you two weren't making out for hours out here," Kokichi giggled.

"We weren't... It looks amazing Kokichi," Shuichi sighed, realising an attempt at defending himself would prove futile.

"Thank you!" Kokichi smiled, placing the plate onto the glass table, he left to grab a knife, cutlery and plates so the three could eat.

"What is it?" Rantaro asked.

"A pie, dumbass," Kokichi sighed, rolling his eyes.

"I know that, but, what's in it?"

"Love," Kokichi grinned.

"And that means?" Rantaro continued.

"It's a love pie! Couldn't you tell from the heart on the top?" Kokichi bent over with his hands on his hips. "If you're asking what's in it, my cum."

"Uh..." Shuichi mumbled, his blank stare only broken by a singular blink.

"Should we be concerned?" Rantaro questioned the purplette.

"Nope, because that was a lie! I'm not Miu's gross, cum-filled ass!" Kokichi laughed, enjoying the eye rolls from his boyfriends. "Am I not allowed to do something nice?"

"No, because there's always an ulterior motive. What's wrong?" Shuichi asked, grabbing a slice of pie.

"You ruined the heart! That was rude!" Kokichi pouted, throwing himself on the empty chair, throwing his legs over the arm. "Nothing's wrong, I just love my future husbandos!"

"Really? That means you won't mind if I call up your bandmates and talk to them?" Rantaro asked with a smirk, gradually slipping his phone out of his pocket as he ate the dessert.

"Wait don't!" Kokichi hurried, leaping forward to grab Rantaro's phone. Unfortunately for the guitarist, Rantaro had expected this and held the phone high which Kokichi couldn't reach. "Okay fine I'll tell you both the news!" Pouting, Kokichi jumped back on the chair, crossing his legs and arms.

"Okay so, the band has the best gig of our lives yet! We've received an offer to play a small concert, and we have enough money to do everything!" Kokichi grinned, beaming with pride at how far his band had come. Some would say the band was famous, but not famous enough for Kokichi to be recognised in public often. People asked for a photo once or twice a month, but that wasn't much considering the amount of time he spent in public.

"That's amazing! There's a downside to it though, isn't there?" Shuichi asked. 

"Damn you, detective!" Kokichi shouted. "Yeah, the thing is, the concert's in the USA. I'd be gone for about a month..." Staring at the ground, Kokichi sighed. The band meant the world to him, but his boyfriends meant even more. If they didn't want him travelling overseas for a month, he wouldn't do it, but he didn't want to upset his best friends either.

"Oh my God, that's even better!" Rantaro gasped. "The USA is amazing, you'll love it there!"

"Hmm," Shuichi mumbled, staring at his lap.

"Do you not want me to go Shuichi?" Kokichi asked, noticing the male's hesitance. He recognised the bluenette's expression as one that he'd adopted when analysing situations with intensity. I expected this, I mean, he's always paranoid about serial killers and shit.

"I'm worried about your safety, that's all. Being overseas is really far away..." Shuichi sighed. "That being said, would you mind if Rantaro or I travelled with you? I know how much this means to you, I'm not going to say no," he smiled. Kokichi felt his heart squeeze with adoration.

"Oh my God Shuichi I love you! I love you so much!" Kokichi cheered, leaping over to the detective and wrapping him in a hug, planting small kisses all over his face. "Neither of you is coming with me though, that'd mean taking leave from work."

"I don't mind. I'd probably be able to do some work over there anyway," Rantaro smiled, finishing off his slice of pie.

"I'm sure I could set up a work from home thing," Shuichi smiled. "That's only if the others don't mind us tagging along."

"Oh it's fine, they're bringing extras anyway," Kokichi shrugged. "It'd be amazing to explore the country after the gig!" His eyes sparkled with wonder at the thought of spending time in an unfamiliar part of Earth. "Maybe we'll have to be gone another few months!"

"Alright, it's a date with DICE," Rantaro chuckled. "How'd you come up with that band name anyway?"

"Huh? Oh, we thought it was cool," Kokichi shrugged again, grabbing a slice of pie. "By the way, I poisoned this, so you're both going to die," he muttered.

"I'm starting to think you might've put something in this..." Rantaro muttered.

"I did," Kokichi groaned, annoyed at the back and forth conversation.

"I didn't detect any hint you were lying then... Did you actually put, uh, bodily fluids in here?" Shuichi asked.

Grinning, Kokichi couldn't hold back his laughter, allowing it to burst out of his system. He hugged his stomach, hysterical tears pouring from his eyes. "Oh my God, that's so funny!" As abruptly as the laughter attack began, it stopped, the male's demeanour becoming serious. "Anyway, I promise on DICE's success that I only put the berry mix in there. No bodily fluids or poisons, that I know of at least," he added with a giggle.

"Come on, let's just start planning this trip to America," Rantaro chuckled. Kokichi smiled and stared at the heart-shaped sprinkles on the pie, feeling the love from his boyfriends warm his heart. 

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