𝟙𝟘 - Anonymity 🍇

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˜*°•.Chapter Content.•°*˜

Anonymous sex, Blindfold, Oral sex, Grinding.

Word count: 1686


"Is this a good idea?" Kokichi mumbled, frowning at the pavement as they walked.

"Do you want to back out already?" Miu chuckled, though there was a hint of concern behind her teasing. The two had a friendship that involved constant insults and what some people would call bullying. However, they loved each other more than anything. He'd never admit it, but he'd die for Miu and knew she'd do the same.

"No way," Kokichi scoffed. "After everything you put me through?" The two continued walking along the street, slipping behind a building to the back entrance. Miu had allowed him to use her private room at her work, a strip club. He'd been informed that the rooms were soundproof so he didn't have to worry about anyone hearing them.

Reaching the back entrance to her room, Kokichi took a deep breath. He was admittedly a little scared, but excitement fizzled away most of the anxiety. "I got your blindfold here. Never been used," Miu informed the other, pulling out the black fabric in question. "Now, just because these two guys are close friends of mine and I trust them with my life, doesn't mean you have to. I've told them to confirm a safeword with you immediately and they agreed. If they don't respect it, I'll kill them myself."

"Thanks, Miu," Kokichi nodded. He shot the woman a faint and genuine smile, something he rarely showed. "No one can know about this."

"I'm surprised you wanted to try it. Certainly didn't expect this kinky shit," Miu cackled.

"Well, I knew you had the connections for it," Kokichi mumbled. He'd never felt so vulnerable before, he hated it. It was okay though, he knew Miu would take this secret to her grave.

Miu held out the blindfold, ready to tie it around the other. "They aren't going to be blindfolded. That's okay, right?"

'No shit. How are we going to do this if everyone is blind? We'd be stumbling around like horny headless chickens," Kokichi scoffed, rolling his eyes. Miu began tying the blindfold around his face, obscuring his vision.

"I can't believe you're a bottom," Miu teased.

"Shove it up your ass!" Kokihi huffed, a faint warmth spreading across his cheeks.

"Me? Shove it up my ass? You're the one about to be fucked by two guys that you don't even know!" Kokichi refused to speak in case he incriminated himself further. Once the blindfold was on, Kokichi heard a door open as he was shoved forward. "Have fun!~" Before he could shout at her, the door slammed shut.

Okay, this is more embarrassing than he thought.

He hated putting his trust in others, especially strangers who would see him in his most intimate moment. Despite this, Kokichi thought he'd legit explode if he didn't at least attempt the fantasy.

Feeling a pair of hands wrap around his waist, Kokichi shivered. A voice whispered from behind him, their warm breath breezing past his ear. "You look amazing." His body pushed forward, led somewhere by one of the others in the room. The person had a deep, sturdy voice. Their hair tickled his ear and neck as he felt a soft kiss on his skin. He figured if he ever needed to refer to them, he could call this person Guy 1. 

A scent of sandalwood wafted from the other, filling Kokichi's head. He knew that when you lose one sense, the other's become heightened, but it was weird that he could pick up on their scents so easily.

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