Forty-two | Katie

Start from the beginning

Sexual turn on?' He raises an eyebrow before tracing his tongue against one of hisK-nine and glancing away. 'I've got like- I think it was...three?..major ones?'

'My favorite is touching. God I love that shit,' I feel his hand trail down to my lower thigh. Pulling me off the ground, I wrap my legs around his waist to prevent myself from falling. 'This feels a little familiar doesn't it?'

'What are the other two?' I ask but he doesn't seem to be focused. I know what he's thinking about, he's trying to remind me about the time under the staircase, but I ignore it and repeat myself. 'Noah. the other two?'

'Um...marks and oral,' he shrugs it off but I feel his grip on my thighs tighten softly.

'Marks and oral?' I repeat.

'Hickeys and blowjobs.' he pokes the inside of his cheek but I shake my head since I had understood what he meant the first time. 'I like knowing when a girl is walking around covered in marks that I left on them,'

'You didn't really give me that many last time...hickeys I mean,' I question his response but he just gives me a funny look at my comment.

'You wanted to walk around the house covered in hickeys?' He doesn't seem disapproving of the idea in the slightest, just a little mistrusting. 'Because I can make it happen if you ask,'

'That's not what I mean.' I hit his chest playfully before pausing. 'I've never given a blowjob either,'

'Really?' He hums but I don't think it's that 'crazy.' I just never felt the need to put someone's dick in my mouth. It doesn't seem as interesting as people say it actually is. If anything it seems a little unhygienic.

'Yeah I haven' do you even get to that point with someone? 'Hey can I suck you off?' And hope for a yes?' I play out the awkward confrontation which makes him laugh.

'You flirt with people then they'll act accordingly... invite them over or invite them somewhere secluded, you know? They'll get the hint.' He explains before pausing. 'But make it clear what you want...or you'll send weird signals- don't make them think its platonic then surprise them with a request or it'll be awkward,'

'Are you telling me how to get with other guys?' I begin to question his tip he just gave me.

'...You know...I love talking to girls like's refreshing,' he sighs, 'I'll be sitting at lunch listening to the girls compare and ask me about different sex techniques then there's you who doesn't know's cute,'

'What if I want to be one of the girls who knows things...' I purse my lips. I hate being babied just because I haven't done things that's seen as 'cool' why can't people just live anymore.

Feeling him push against me to keep me in place he takes one hand off me and reaches for his back pocket. Pulling out his phone he turns it on and looks at the screen before turning it off. He was checking the time.

'Do you want me to teach you?' He brings his tongue back to his tooth whilst simultaneously shoving his phone back into his back pocket.

Raising my eyebrows I'm feeling a little skeptical by his question. It's definitely something he would say but I didn't expect him to ask to 'teach me' if that's even the reason. He probably just wants head but I'm not sure if I'm even good at it.

'I don't think I'm any good...' I mumble but he shrugs.

'Im not expecting you to be God or anything...I'll teach you how to do it properly,' he holds me up so im not leaning against the wall.

Flipping us around his back is against the wall whilst I wrap my legs around his waist. Now that my back isn't supported I hold onto his shoulders.

'...okay,' I worry but he doesn't do anything.

'I need a little bit more enthusiasm than that,' he laughs awkwardly, 'I need a yes not an 'okay...' because it doesn't sound convincing,'

Feeling embarrassed at this point I say yes so he lifts off the wall. Holding his shoulders harder, I feel him prop me on a desk. Before either of is can do anything at all the slights suddenly turn on.

Freaking out I try to get up but I end up falling off the desk. Wincing at the pain, I immediately freeze when I see Colton standing there. Feeling my heart drop, I glance at Noah but he doesn't have much of a reaction. He seems stunned but not shocked.

Holding his phone in his hand he sighs before looking out the door then back at us, 'did you text me to come so we can team tag her or what? I don't know why you texted me to come here...'

'I forgot to text you not to come anymore.' Noah states uncomfortably. A few awkward moments go past before he decides to speak again. 'Urm...could you like...I don't know...'

'Not tell Damon? Got it.' He answers sarcastically as the bell rings. Using it as his que to leave, he purses his lips before exiting the classroom.

'I originally planned to ditch with Colton.' Noah looks down at me quickly, 'then I saw you and wanted to talk to you instead but I forgot to text him to stay in class- fuck.'

'I'm going to go and talk to him,' he leans off the desk. 'I've got an away game tonight but do you can come over after? My mum will be home so you can say hi and maybe meet her if you want to,'

Surprised by his offer I nod so he rushes out the door. I stay seated for a couple minutes before deciding to get up. It's not like I can stay here forever anyways but I should've told him that I'd be there at the game. I've always gone to all of their games since Damon plays and I try to be a 'good sister' for him.

It's fine anyways, I'll just surprise him.

Fixing the button on my shorts I shove my hands into the pockets of my hoodie. Heading out the door I poke the inside of my cheek as I make my way down the hall. This week as been so gross and I'm so excited for it to just end. I'm going to spend my weekend doing anything besides schoolwork, except for the tutoring session I have with Colton. My bio test is next week so I need to get it done.

Groaning I cup my face with my palms as I thing about the tutoring session. It's going to be so awkward and I'm so excited for it at all. Hopefully he won't mention it to Damon and he won't say anything at all during the session.

He might do me the favor of it.

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