Chapter 1. 1814

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Rain crashed against the roof of Suffolk Manor, cascading across the glass windows like teardrops. Thunder rumbled in the sky and lightning flashed like fireworks. The storm was brutal, and no one would dare to be out in such treacherous weather.

Gazing out the window of the drawing room of his home, Julian Howard, the Duke of Suffolk, felt as if his life had forever changed. And it had, immensely. His wife had died during childbirth, and he was now left alone to raise his son. That had taken place nearly a year ago, and he still couldn't believe his misfortune. He and Lillian didn't exactly get along, but they didn't despise each other.  Lillian had perished because of placenta previa, which had caused her to bleed out.

Julian squeezed his eyes tightly closed, banishing all memory of that night. He couldn't dwell on that unfortunate event. His focus was on raising his son, James. He needed to make sure that his one-year-old was taken care of by his father. He had promised Lillian that he would take care of their child. But he was lonely, and wanted James to have a mother. He wanted a wife. He dreamed of having more children. He was wanting to be happy again.

As another clap of thunder and flash of lightning echoed through the air, Julian noticed what appeared to be a carriage driving up the cobblestone road towards his estate. His eyes widened with shock. Who on earth would be out in this storm? He watched as the carriage came to a stop in front of the house, and then felt his heart stop as the doors opened.

A young woman stumbled out of the carriage, holding what appeared to be a baby in her arms. She attempted to take a few steps, but then fell to the ground. She staggered to her feet, keeping her grip tight on her child. She had the same dark brown hair as Julian, but her eyes were blue instead of brown. She was wearing a black cloak over a dusty blue gown.

Julian moved quickly away from the window, rushing to the front door and opening it. Ignoring the rain pounding on top of him, he raced outside to help the young woman. He was just reaching her when he saw her collapse to the ground again, and his heart sank. Rushing forward, he asked the coachman who had brought her to take the baby while he picked her up into his arms and carried her inside.

The coachman followed him, holding the baby in his arms. Thankfully the child was crying and alive. If either mother or baby hadn't survived, he wasn't sure what he would do.

Julian called out to a few servants as he moved quickly up the stairs toward one of the guest rooms of the house, walking into the one that was connected to his. He carefully placed the woman onto the bed, removing her cloak and checking for any injuries. He noticed a bruise on her left cheek, but nothing else.

The coachman, Robert, glanced at him. "Your grace, what should we do with the baby?"

Julian turned his attention to the child in Robert's arms, and reaching out, took the baby girl away from him. He gazed down at her, noticing that she was a spitting image of her mother. She was a beautiful little girl, that was for certain. Without even realizing what he was doing, he brought his lips gently onto the child's head, kissing it sweetly. Then he glanced back up at Robert. "Keep her here with her mother until she wakes up. Have Margaret prepare a warm bath and a meal."

Robert. "Yes your grace, I will go and tell her that." He turned and left the room. He knew the Duke of Suffolk very well, he had worked for Julian's father. Julian was just as kind, if not more so, then his father.

Still holding the baby against his chest, Julian sat down carefully on the bed, watching the child's mother line before him. He couldn't help but notice just how beautiful she was. What had happened to her? It was evident that something terrible had occurred in her life for her to make the dangerous journey to Suffolk Manor. But what was it?

Suddenly, the woman's eyes slowly fluttered open, and Julian found himself staring into those gorgeous blue eyes once again. Blue eyes that were filled with fear pain and confusion. He gently placed the woman's daughter in her arms, his hand moving to be placed on her shoulder. His voice was soft as he spoke. "Don't be afraid, I'm not going to hurt you or your daughter. I'm going to help you, both of you."

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