'Jesse you can't give the plan away. I know it looks like we're hurting Eddie. And in a way we are, but it's for her own good. She needs to get over that anyway.'

'Get over what?' I asked.

'That's something for you to figure out. Eden has to tell you why she's 'over you.' She used air quotations around 'over you'.

The rest of the afternoon was sat going into more detail. When we came home Eden wasn't around. She'd locked herself in her room and hadn't come out since last night. Aubrey

told me to go up stairs and coax her out of her room. I walked up the stairs, my mind black of what I was going to do or say. I froze outside her room, taking a few minutes to think. I was about to knock when I heard her voice.

'Are you going to stand out there all day, or grow a pair and knock on the door?' Eden called, she didn't sound upset. I knocked and she opened the door. I could tell she'd been crying. She had tear stains running down cheeks and her eyes were blood shot. The bright smile she wore was fake, another mask. Her hair stuck up in every direction, she looked like chucky's bride. 'What do you want?' She asked, her voice wobbling as she spoke.

'I was just making sure you were okay? You haven't come out your room since last night. Ralf and Aubrey are here.' I said gently. She stayed silent. 'I'll make you pancake's?' I offered, her face it up. I spurt of happiness shot through me as I remembered the few occasions I made her them. I took her by the hand – our hands not inter winded like usual.

'Wait, do I look okay?' She asked. I couldn't tell her the truth, she'd kill me because the only way to describe how she looks now is calling her Chucky's bride.

'You look okay.' I lied. We went downstairs and into the kitchen. Ralf was sat eating a packet of biscuit and Aubrey was sipping a glass of orange juice. Aubrey popped off the counter and walked over the Eden.

'Eden, what happened? You look a mess. Come on lets wash there tear marks away and drag a comb through your hair. Make you look pretty.' She smiled. Eden turned to look at me wide eyed.

'You lied to me,' She wasn't mad, but she looked cute trying to act mad. It took everything I had not to go over to her go and give her a hug. But a smile still wiggled its way onto my face 'I'll deal with you in a minute Jess.' She called as she was led out of the room. A small chuckle escaped my lips.

I looked around the kitchen and grabbed the flour, salt, eggs, milk and butter to make the pancakes. I found some chocolate chips and syrup to put on top. The pancakes were ready when Eden came back in. She looked beautiful, I mean, more beautiful than before. The tear marks had gone and her eyes weren't blood shot. She had beautiful smoky looking eyes, making the hints of green in her eyes stand out. Aubrey has done it on purpose. I can't take my eyes off of her.

'Mmmmm pancakes.' She beamed at me taking a plate with the sugar coated with syrup and chocolate chips. Aubrey grabbed a plate but Ralf refused the offer.

'I'm off to my mum's Eden. I'll see you later in the week.' Ralf said leaving. We sat and ate the pancakes, talking about random subjects and sing along to the radio.

After that Aubrey had to go.

'I'm really I have to go, mum is texting me all this crazy shit about being grounded.' She stood up and put her coat and shoes. Eden and I followed her into the hallway. 'Oh, Jesse,' She smiled at me, she bit at her bottom lip. 'Th-there's a party on Friday night. I, I was wondering if you'd like to go with me?' She stuttered on her words, acting nervous. I swear this girl could be a actress and convince anyone that she likes me. I took a minute and to think about a big grin on my face creep onto my face.

'Yeah, I'd love to go to the party with you.' I answered, she let out a nervous giggle and batted her eyelashes.

'Okay, bye then.' She kissed my cheek, she's taller than Eden so she doesn't have to reach on her tiptoe. I really wish it was Eden that was doing this. I really want to crumble and hug her and hold her in my arms. I want to go to her room and lay on her bed and watch a movie with her. I want to be able to call her mine again. Eden, once again, spent the rest of her night in her room. And refused to come out.

-Fast forward-

I threw on a pair of dark wash jeans and a plain white shirt. I put a semi-smart waistcoat on and a pair of trainers. All I had to do was riffle my hair with my hand and it was perfect. I washed my face, brushed my teeth and put on deodorant. I was ready and dressed in a few minutes. I waited downstairs, in the front entrance. My eyes grew wide when I saw Eden walk down the stairs.

Her hair was tied up into a bun with a few lose ringlets that fell to her shoulders. She had pale red lipstick on and long lashes, I love that Eden doesn’t wear much make up. She doesn't look like the girls at school with orange faces. She has a red dress that stops mid-thigh and is strapless. The bottom is ruffled. The had rhinestones on in a simple pattern and the fabric crossed over her lower abdomen. She had a pair of nude peep-whole shoes on – this is the knowledge I get for having a fashion designer as a mum. She looked stunning, gorgeous, vibrant. I could say all these and they wouldn't even to begin to describe how Eden looks.

We met up with Ralf and Aubrey at the party. Aubrey wore a simple black dress, she looked lovely in it. But it didn't compare to Eden.

'Shall we dance?' Aubrey asked, I nodded my head slightly and she lead me to the dance floor. We danced for several songs before I had to stop to get a drink. I remember what happened last time I got drunk at a party with Eden. I ended up kissing another girl and Eden saved me from being hit with a car. She ended up being in a coma for three days, I never once left her side. The thought makes me shiver and I push the memory to the back of my mind. I push through the sea of people to get a drink. I stay clear of the alcoholic drinks and drunk teenagers that are falling all over each other.

I can see Eden at the other end of the room, she's got a glass in her hand containing a clear liquid. I don't think that its vodka. There's a guy sat next to her, he's chatting away, flirting. I can feel my blood boil but it quickly calms down when I see the expression on Eden's face. She looks bored and uninterested. I to leave her be, like in the plan. I grab a bottle of water and join Aubrey in the dance floor. Eden joins us and takes Aubrey away. They dance for a few songs but there dancing for so long that they both become tired and can barely stand up. Ralf grabs Aubrey and helps her outside, whilst I help Eden out. The two of them sit on the side walk and caught there breath. When they calmed down a little they didn't feel like going back to the party.

Aubrey only lives a few streets away so we walked her home first. We walked her to her door to make sure she was safe.

'I'm sorry we didn't stay long. But I hope this wont change your opinion on me. Would you mind going on another date with me?' She asked. I could see both Eden's and Ralf's jaw tighten as she spoke. I smiled at her and nodded.

'I'd love to.' I lied. I would rather date an actually poisonous snake than Aubrey.

I've got myself into such a mess.

My life as a Bolton BoyWhere stories live. Discover now