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Magsimula sa umpisa

"Why would you do that?! you didn't even ask if you could go to the parade, and now this?!" Your other parent yelled at you. "is this the thanks I get for taking care of you?" they frowned.

"i didn't mean to.. they're probably not even hurt.." You mumbled.

"Stop mumbling, and what did i just say about your tone!?"

"sorry.." You grumbled.

"Oh my Titan, can't you just speak up? and be a good kid?!"

"I am a good kid!" You shouted suddenly. You'd had this talk before, you didn't know where you suddenly got the courage to yell back.

"Good kids don't yell at their parents!"

"Well i haven't up until now! I've tried so hard to be what you want me to be! I've tried being what i want to be! but no! you still hate me!" You vented, but no weight was lifted off your shoulders like it happened in the movies or books.

"We hate you?!" they yelled, "you're the one hiding in your room all day! we make sure you have food, and clothing, and a house to live in. we make sure you can go to school! we have made it so the Blights associate with us. They help us out so much, because of our hard work! Those twins are so kind to be friends with you, and then you cause them trouble. you come home with bad grades. You leave the house looking like a crazy ogre! do you know how embarrassing that is for us?!"

You were so angry. So angry at your parents, your sibling, your tears, and everything in this house. You felt like you couldn't breathe. Everything in this house was suffocating.

The door was cold on your back. Were you sweating?

"and now you're just gonna stand there, crying," They crossed their arms and stared down at you, "like a stupid, ungrateful, child!"

In a fit of rage, done with all their shit, you turned on your heels, grabbed your shoes, and ran out the door.

You could hear your parent swing it back open to yell at you.


Their hollering drew in the attention of your neighbors. You held the boots you wore almost everyday and kept running. When you rolled your ankle in a hole in the grass you kept going. When you stepped on thousands of small sharp rocks you kept going. Even when you made it to the parade you tried to hide in an alleyway, in case your neighbors tried to bring you back home. Panting you leaned against the cold cement.

Around 20 minutes passed, your boots were on the floor, your ankle was swollen and you were still very tired. the loud chatter of the crowd echoed around in the alley. It was calming and creepy at the same time. Ed and Em actually found you, but you didn't feel like talking about it yet. They said they understood and sat with you for a while.

Once the food stands opened they left to get something for the three of you.

So here you were, alone again. The tears were dry now and your face felt slightly stiff. You knew you probably looked a mess from running. You could feel your hair sticking out in different directions. You've definitely never ran so fast or far in your life.

You rubbed your face, trying to wipe away the tear stains.

Then, you tried to fix your hair.

It wasn't working..

'Ugh! my grades are fine! Great even! why are they on my back all the time?! And not even just with school.. they get mad at me when Ed and Em get in trouble.. I don't usually even have anything to do with what happened!'

ᴀɢᴀɪɴTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon