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I am going to rip this page out and burn it as soon as I am finished writing.

I don't really have someone to talk about these

Hunter stared at the page, tapping the pen against the table as he thought.


Yes. my 'feelings.'

but i would like to get a few things off my chest.

The other week, I attended Hexide's Grom Dance with Y/n. It was fun, I'll admit. There were refreshments, food, and whatever else dances are supposed to have.

Grometheus actually escaped. That was a whole ordeal. Y/n convinced me to stay with them though.

Titan, what are they doing to me..

It was totally reckless! Someone could have been hurt.

It was so odd, I almost didn't care. I just wanted to stay with them.

But the party seemed to take care of it. So no harm done?

Y/n and I flew up on my staff and just watched the sky.

They looked really happy. It made me feel all fuzzy again. I couldn't even feel the freezing cold wind, am i sick? I don't feel it but it's a possibility i'm asymptomatic to whatever it is.

I like being around Y/n. They're kind and entertaining. Even if they make my stomach and chest hurt sometimes.

Every now and then I feel

He paused again.

inadequate around them. Like I should be better for them. No, better because of them. I sometimes feel I don't deserve them in my life.

I've already been chosen by Belos. I'm highly respected as The Golden Guard.

Well.. by most.

Do I deserve someone as great as Y/n to spend time with? They make me feel special. Because out of all the people in that library, all the people on the Titan, they continue to stay here, with me.

It's an odd feeling. To feel so small and awful around someone, while also feeling like everything is right. Like I've found where I'm meant to be.

I don't think I'll ever be the same after that night. The way they looked at me

Once again, Hunter found it hard to find the right words to describe the explosion of emotions he'd had lately.

it was just weird. It couldn't of been more than a few mere seconds, yet it felt never ending. I was waiting for something. It never came. Whatever i was waiting for.

Hunter could feel his face heating again at the thought of your faces' close proximity. The millions of thoughts swirled around his head once more. The feeling of your soft grip on his arm. The cold wind that disappeared with one look in your eyes.

I don't know how to explain everything I've discovered about myself tonight.

Y/n once tried to explain the book they picked out from the library to me. I didn't quite get it at first.

It sounded gross. Who would want to be so close to someone. Who would want to spend every waking moment with someone. I couldn't think of anyone in my life I'd want to be around forever.

Lilith is a little uptight and doesn't like me. Kikimora doesn't like me, she thinks i'm trying to steal her job. I'm just trying to do mine. Belos

Hunter quickly scribbled out his Uncle's name.

However I think I understand now.

Y/n is someone I wouldn't be opposed to being around for such a long time.

I think I realized this when we were in the sky, and everything just felt timeless.

"Wow this is.. bad. I gotta get rid of this." As Hunter lifted the paper to rip it up, he heard a small chirp. "Huh?"

"Oh!" He looked at the cardinal sitting on the edge of his desk, "You really need to stop coming in here.." He stroked the bird's head, comforting both the palisman and him.

What Hunter failed to notice was that the paper had blown away, hidden under his bed.

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