She nodded slightly smiling. "OK."

She went over to where the cheerleaders were gathering. Bianca stopped her she was starting to suspect something was going on between the two. "What were you doing talking to Adriano?"

"I'm his tutor remember." That wasn't true especially since Adriano had much better grades than she did. But it was what worked and it helped saying it because no one questioned it.

"That better be it let me find out that you're trying to get with him and i will make your life a living hell." Bianca was going to make Adriano hers and she would get rid of anyone who dared to get in the way. People had come in between her family's happiness once she wasn't letting it happen again. 

"Aren't you kicked off the team?" Sofia was sure she would have gotten kicked off because of the fight she got into with Valentina. She didn't deserve her spot after everything that she had been doing.

Bianca scoffed she had done good at making sure she didn't get caught at anything and this was no exception. As far as everyone else was concerned the fight was purely Valentina wanting revenge. "No, because Valentina started the fight, not me."

"You started it by provoking her." Sofia had seen the entire thing Bianca had tested the fire and almost got her ass beat because of it.

"It's my word against hers and who is going to believe the tempered Moretti-Romano sister against me." Bianca knew that everyone knew how tempered and angered the Romano and Moretti family was. It was only right to assume that the little sister would be the same way.

"You can't do that you started the fight you were the one that provoked her." Sofia didn't think it was fair that she was just getting away with this. She deserved to get into trouble for it.

"Who is going to believe her when she has all this family drama going on?" Bianca knew that Valentina was going through to much that everyone was just going to assume she had blown her fuse.

Sofia shook her head she hated how she could just get away with something like this without anyone being the wiser. "That's so wrong and you know it." 

"I may know it but they won't believe her over me." Bianca knew she scared Sofia she was going to make sure that she didn't say a thing. "And the only witness is you and you're not going to snitch are you Sofia."

She didn't like that she had just been threatened but she couldn't say that she expected differently. "Um-"

"I would seriously take a minute to think about what I am saying before you do anything. Because if they find out and i find out that it came from you." Bianca knew two things Valentina was protected by her brothers. They were going to always come to her rescue and It would be the only time in which they actually got along. And two Sofia had no one so if she dared to betray her it wouldn't end well. "No one would be able to save you 'cause her brothers won't protect you even if you gave them the information."

"I won't say anything." She couldn't she knew they would figure it out right now she just needed to focus on staying on Bianca's good side.

"Alright let's get started then." There was no more to discuss there were different matters at hand. 


Elena was sitting in the cafe when Grace came and sat across from her she knew from the phone call that it was urgent. "Ok, so what is this about?"

Elena smiled looking to her best friend she was ready for all of this to be finally over with. "It's the final phase of my plan."

"What do you have on them?" Grace knew for this to work she had to have something that would make Valentina equally mad at all of her brothers like she was at her Romano side.

Elena smirked sliding a file to her. She when Valentina found this out she was not going to be happy at all. "They knew where Valentina was up until the set-up car accident."

"They what?" Grace opened the file looking at several pictures and such. 

"Yup." Elena didn't believe it at first either but the proof was there and now she had permission to use it.

"She's going to hate that." Grace could only imagine how Valentina was going to react when she learned that they too were lying to her.

Elena nodded she knew that her stepdaughter wasn't going to like it but she needed to know the truth. "But she deserves to know."

Grace sighed she knew this was the right thing for her. She deserved to know that both of them were just willing to do anything to get her. "Yeah, she does." Grace looked up to her best friend knowing how hard this was for her. "Are you ok?" 

"I'm scared." She was scared of how this was going to go she was always supposed to be Valentina's mother and now she was finally getting the chance and she was terrified that something was going to go wrong. 

"El." Grace took a breath knowing there wasn't even much she could say on this. She had every right to be scared no one knew how this was going to go.

"Grace I'm serious i can only imagine what my children or her other brothers had to say about me." Everyone precived her as a bitch or this or that they didn't understand why she did what she did. "She could hate me."

Grace knew her best friend was making a very good point. "Well, typically kids do despise their stepmom."

"Not helping." Elena didn't want to hear that there was a chance that Val might hate her that was the last thing she wanted. 

"But her own mother was horrible and you are the much better version." Grace knew that soon her best friend was finally going to have the daughter she always wanted.  "Stop worrying she is going to love you there is no doubt about that."

"I hope you're right."

"I am. You can do this there is no reason to be afraid."
After making sure the coast was clear Adriano snuck Sofia in. "It's a little wild here harder to time it."

"It's fine." She didn't care as long as she got to spend time with him.


Valentina was sitting on her bed looking through old photos some of her mom and some she had taken with her brother. It was all getting to be a lot for her.

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