espresso cookie hcs

491 14 32

(woohoo! main romantic f/o time! down bad for this man)

-If you want a pet, Espresso Cookie would either get you a cat or a fish. Depends what you like more.

-Espresso Cookie has %100 tried to perfect one of your skills/interests and give you his attempt at the skill/interests

-He has gotten distracted by his daydreams and thoughts about you. After he lets his coffee heat up a little too long, he scolds himself for thinking about you that much.

-Espresso Cookie loves to dance with you. Especially in the rain and kitchen.

-He has a portion of his schedule dedicated to you so he can spend time with you.

-Espresso Cookie has 'accidentally' asked Madeline Cookie, Eclair Cookie, and Latte Cookie about his feelings towards you.

-He writes letters to you and loves it when you respond.

-Before you two started dating, he dropped subtle and small hints that he loved you.

-Honestly, you probably accidentally found out that he liked you. Or Espresso Cookie finally talked himself into telling you.

-First date was a cafe date or a laboratory tour or a quick walk around the kingdom.

-Espresso Cookie doesn't really get jealous easily but when he is, it can get a little intense.

-He absolutely loves to hear you ramble on and on and vice versa. He loves when you actually listen to him and ask questions. You both think it's cute when you two ramble on and on and on.

-Overall, he really needs you in his life (and sleep schedule) and loves you so much. Espresso Cookie is so proud of you for what you've done in life!

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