yandere headcannons, part 1

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((uh, i dont really know how to make yandere stuff so, get ready to cringe!))

black raisin cookie
- watches you from the village, since you live in it.
- you always see her out of the corner of your eye.
- you count her as a friend, shes always there if you need to vent.
- if anyone offends you or hurts you while shes watching, she'll wait in till you leave. then she threatens the someone who hurt/offended you. at least he gives them a chance.
- she a closet, dedicated to you & only you. ((meaning, your stuff, photos, & etc.))

blackberry cookie
-you are her employer, at least shes always with you.
-she has cameras around the house to always be able to watch you.
-she likes to keep you in the house at all times if possible.
-if you end up heading outside & someone hurts/offends you, she likes to stalk the someone to see if they hurt you even further. if the someone doesnt hurt you again, she usually just leaves the victim to go.
-but if the someone does continue hurting you, she goes for it & murders the someone.

((did you cringe yet? i did.))

cookie run kingdom: headcannons [+] oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now