Chapter 27 - the gift

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Sierra's POV:

I walked home and I decided to walk in through the front door. It's better that Demi knows where I was. Maybe I'll have a better chance for her letting me go then.

I unlocked the door and went inside.

Demi was sitting on the couch and reading today's newspaper.

"Hey Dems. I have to tell you something."

"Ok, you can start with where you were."

"Downtown, sorry. It won't happen again."

"Make sure." She looked back down at her newspaper.

"Can I ask you something."

"Go ahead."

"I know I'm grounded and all, but can I please go out on a date on Friday?"

"Who's the guy? Where did you meet?"

"We met downtown."

"What's his name?"

"I-I don't know. I didn't think to ask."

"Is he nice?"


"I want him to come inside when he gets here, so I can meet him. Thanks for asking though. Go ahead and text him telling him to come inside and that you won't be able to text back because you're grounded. You can bring your phone down to me when you're done."

"Alright, thanks Dems."


Demi went to get Emily, brought into the kitchen, and put her into her high chair, so she can feed her.

I went upstairs texted him and then brought my phone back downstairs.

Who knows? Maybe this is the guy God want me to get married to. Maybe. I guess I'll just have to wait and see.


He was here. He walked up to the stairs and started knocking on the door.

I ran downstairs as fast as I could and opened it.


"Hey. What's up?"

"Not much. You?"


I brought him in the kitchen to where Demi was.

"Hey. What's your name?" Was the first thing she said.


She picked up Emily.

"Well, I'm assuming you still don' know his name."

"It's Isaac."

"Thank you. You look like a fine gentleman. I'm assuming that you'll take good care of my Sierra."

"Yeah, I will."

"Alright, no R rated movies. Come back right after the movie ends. She still grounded, so if she need to text me, she'll have to use your phone. Have fun, but not too much fun."

"Thanks so much Demi." He shook her hand.

"Alright, bye."


We went out and as soon as we both had sat down in his 2010 red GT mustang, he said "I have something for you. Hold out your hand."

He put it on my ring finger on my right hand.

"What is it?"

"A purity ring. It means that you won't have sex before marriage. The way God intended."

"Awesome, thanks."

"No problem."

I guess I can't have sex before marriage now. I'm sure that God is proud of me though. That's all that matters.

He drove to the movie. We decided to watch "Taken 3." It was really good.

Isaac is so awesome. He's nice. He like movies I like. He believes in God. He's considerate. He believes in God.

It's like it was love at first site.

He is so awesome.

He drove me home and so went inside.

"So, how was it?" Demi said.

"Really good, thank for letting me go." I ran up to Demi and hugged her.

"Your welcome, I'm glad you had fun. What's that on your finger."

"A purity ring, he gave it to me."

"That's great!"

Thanks for reading!

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