Chapter 2 - Sleepless nights

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Sierra's POV:

"I'm going to bed now."

"Alright, night."


Just as I was getting in bed, I started to hear Emily crying.

I got out of bed and went across the hall to her room.

The crying seemed to get louder and louder as I got closer and closer.

I hated to hear that sound at night, when I was trying to go to sleep.

I opened the door and went into her room.

I picked her up out of her crip and rocked her. Yet, she did not stop crying.

I guess Demi could hear her from all the way downstairs cause she came in here to see how everything was going.

"She's crying."

"Yeah. She won't stop. Help me."

"Alright. Can I see her?"

I handed her to Demi.

"Go to bed. I'll take care of her."


"No problem."

Demi tryed everything, she couldn't get Emily to stop crying. She sat down in a rocking chair and rocked Emily. After about ten minutes, Emily fell asleep.

"I guess that's all she needed."

Demi walked over and turned off the light, opened the door, and said "night" to Emily.

Demi walked into her room and got ready for bed.

I knocked on her door.

"Come in!"

"Thanks for taking care of her."


I hugged her, said "good night" and went back to my room.

Demi's POV:

Poor girl. Having to take care of a baby when she is only in high school and it is not, I repeat NOT even her fault that she got pregnant. She was raped. RAPED! I am so pissed at Jake for raping her. What an ass hole. He makes me so mad. MAD I TELL YOU!!!!

I picked up the phone and gave him a call.

"I hope you're happy!"


"Don't speak. Just listen! You got my daughter pregnant. She is only in high school and she is already having to raise a baby. How is she going to do well in school, when she doesn't get much sleep at night. I hope next time, before you go and rape someone, you think about what I have told you. Oh, and one more thing, you stay out of Emily AND Sierra's life. You will not speak to anyone about out little conversation. Understood."


"Alright, bye."

Before he could say "bye", I hung up the phone.

Thanks for reading!

Hope you enjoyed the chapter. I went ahead and updated.

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Have a great day! :)

High School Drama (A Demi Lovato fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें