Chapter 21 - Therapy Part 3 = The story behind the scars

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Demi's POV:

I can't believe it's already time for Sierra's next therapy appointment. She has come so far.

I went upstairs and got her up so we could leave.

He was still asleep and wouldn't wake up when I said her name, so I walked over to her and gently shook her.

She woke up and gently rubbed her eyes.

"Sierra, honey. It's time to get up. You have to be at your appointment in an hour."

She signed and said "alright."

Sierra's POV:

Ugh, I did not want to go back to therapy. That guy asked a lot of questions.

I hate this.

I got ready to leave and then we went to therapy.

Demi dropped me off and told me to "text her when I'm done."

I sighed and got out of the color.

Then, I heard Demi yell "be good!"

Yeah, ok. Like my behavior should be any of her worries. I didn't respond.

I went inside.

"Morning, Sierra. What's the time of your appointment?"

"Nine o' clock."

"Alright, please take a seat in the waiting room. Dr. Ridge will be with you shortly."

"Mhm, that's what you ways say. That doesn't mean it's always true."

"You're gonna be nice to him right?"

"Don't worry about what I'm going to act like when I go in there."

"Mhm, make sure you're nice."

"Did you not here what I just said."

"Please take a seat Ms. Lovato."

"Yeah, yeah." I sighed and sat down.

In about ten minutes Dr. Ridge came out.

"Morning Sierra. How's life treating you?"

"Good, now. Thanks to you." I shoved past him and went to his office. I had the direction to his office memorized now.

"Is she on?" He asked the desk worker.

"I don't know what's going on with her. I can send her home and have her come back a different day if you want."

"No, it's fine. Thanks, though."

He walked into his office as well.

"Alright, Sierra. Today I want you to tell me the story behind your scars. How you got them."

I just stared at him.

"Please go ahead and lift up the sleeve of your shirt and describe each of them." Dr. Ridge said.

"I don't want to."

"I know it's going to be hard, but remember Demi and I are on your side. We're just trying to help you. So, please begin."

I stared at him, still a lite sceptic, but I began.


I pointed to a scar.

"This one is not from me. My dad came home one night when I was eleven and he was drunk. He was angry at me because I was supposed to be in bed, so he threw and empty beer bottle at me and it hit my arm. I was in the hospital for a couple of days." I said.

"I'm so sorry. What about the next one?"

I pointed at a different one.

"This one I made one day when I was getting bullied at school because I was fat. I went to bathroom and cut and that day I became anorexic."

He nodded. "Next one."

I sighed and pointed to a different one.

"This one I did one day when my mom was abusing me because she though I always screwed up and she told me I was fat. Trust me, that is not something you want to hear from your mom. So, I went up to my room, locked my door, and cut. This one also put me in the hospital, only for a few hours though, long enough to get stitches." I paused and said "do I have to keep going?"

"I'd appreciate it if you would. You're doing so good."


I pointed to the next one.

"This one is from when I was in sixth grade and the teacher called on me to answer a question and I knew the answer, so I of course answered it correctly. The whole class thought I was a nerd, so at recess, they all gathered around me and and started beating me up and calling me names such as nerd, pork, and just the usual fat. Trust me, the beating hurt way more than the cut. It just helped."

He nodded. "When and where did you make that cut?"

"When I got home that night; I was still upset over it."

"I'm sorry."

I pointed to the next one.

I sighed. "This one is from when I was in high school and my only friend stole the guy I like even though she knew I liked him. We haven't been friends since. I did that one when I got home as well."

He nodded.

I pointed to the next three.

"These ones are from when I was getting called fat again at school. They did this a lot. I made these cuts during lunch in the bathroom (where I spent lunch a lot)."

I pointed to the last one.

"This one is the most recent one, the one that put me in these sessions. I opened up my computer one day and went into Facebook and noticed that some kids from school that usually bully me had left me some harsh messages. One's I'd prefer not to relive."

"Alright. I appreciate you cooperating and sharing these with me. I'm going to schedule you in for next Wednesday at 1:00 p.m."


"I look forward to seeing you. Have a great day."


We shook hands and I walked out, and texted Demi "I'm ready."

"Alright, I'll be there soon."

I texted "ok" and sat down on a chair in the waiting room.

I noticed that she arrived, then I walked out and got in the hummer.

"So, how was it?"

"Fine. He made me describe how I got each of the scars."

"Oh, how'd that go?"

"Fine. I wasn't sure about it at first, but it went fine."

"Well, that's good."


She smiled and shortly we arrived at home.

Thanks for reading!

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Bre5SOSrocks Thanks for the idea. I reay appreciate you giving me suggestions.

Have a great day! :)

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