Chapter 16 - I got...

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I woke up still in a bad mood. Demi was downstairs drinking her morning coffee and reading the newspaper.

"Morning sweetie."

"Don't act like everything's ok. You very well know after yesterday that everything is not ok. So don't like it is. Ok?"

"Sit down, please. I'll get your breakfast and medication and then we need to talk."

She sat my blueberry waffles and medication in front of me.

"Alright. First off, please don't talk to me like that. You're not in charge. I am only trying to help you."

I just stared at her.

"Secondly, you know what there really is not second thing. Just don't talk to me like that again. Please. Eat, then go get ready for school."

After I was ready for school, I say down on the couch and watched a recorded episode of "Grey's Anatomy" while I was waiting for the bus."

Moment later the bus arrived and Alexandria and I got in it. It was really noisy.

We went inside, I went to my first class, sat down, slouched , and crossed my arms.

"Morning Class." Mr. Haw said.

"Morning." The class responded except for me.

I said "asshole".

He just stared at me with the "what, I haven't done anything yet" look.

I held my middle finger up at me, then dug my earbuds out of my backpack, and listened to music while he was teaching.

He actually was a pretty great teacher, I just wasn't in a good mood.

He came up to me.

"Put those away Ms. Lovato."



"Fuck you." I said, the continued listening to my music.

"Alright, principal's office. I'll let her deal with you."

"Whatever." I said as I got up.

"Take your bag. You're not coming back, at least today."

I grabbed it in a pissed off way.

"Thank you."

I went to the principal's office.

"Hey, Sierra. Your teacher emailed me about what you did. What's going on?"

"Nothing. Now could you please just quit talking. I'm not in the mood."

"You know what? You're a great kid. I know you are, but you can't think that you can just act in whatever way you please, so I'm suspending you for two weeks. I'll call Demi to come pick you up."

"Damn it, Demi's gonna be pissed" I thought.

An hour later, Demi pulled up in front of the school in her 2010 black hummer. She got out. I noticed that she was wearing a long sleeve shirt that said love and a black leather jacket, dark jeans with holes in them, and leather boots.

She walked inside, knocked on the principal's door.

She told her to come in.

"Sierra. What did you do?"

"I was just having a bad day. Ok?"

"Not ok. You don't have permission to talk to anyone like that."

Mrs. Grit ( the principal) said "I'll drop her school work for the next two weeks off tomorrow."

"Thank you. I am so sorry about her."

"It's fine. Have a lovely day."

"You too." Demi smiled at her and we walked and.

The car ride home felt really long and silent. We didn't say a single word. Thank goodness cause I still wasn't in a good mood.

We got inside and Demi told me that O was grounded for two more weeks and to go my room, so I did as I was told, careful not to make her anymore angry.

Thanks for reading!

Don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT.

Also, it's been a while since I had been writing before yesterday, so if you don't like something about, please feel free to let me know and to leave any suggestion in the comments section or message me. Any ideas are welcome. If I pick your idea, I will dedicate the chapter to you.

Also, please ready other two books I'm writing entitled "The Alien Race" and Haunted". I know that "The Alien Race" doesn't have a cover photo; my sister is planning on making me one and she's planning on making me a new cover photo for "Haunted."

I have a job, so I don't always have a lot of time. I had off yesterday and today and I will plan on writing at least once a week. I'm really enjoying it.

Have a great day/night! :)

High School Drama (A Demi Lovato fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें