Chapter 28 - Life is hard

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Sister's POV:

I went up to my room and then my phone start ringing:

"This is real, this is me. I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be now gonna let the light shine on me."

I answered.


"Hey, Sierra. Where have you been?"

"May I ask who this is?"


I tried to think. Tom. Tom. Tom. Who was Tom? Dang. Tom! My biological father!

"I-I can't talk right now."

"Still doing that stuttering thing, are you?"

"O-only-lying w-when I get n-nervous."

"Are you saying that I make you nervous?"

"I really have to go."

I quickly hung up and ran to my bathroom and started cutting. It felt so good, the sharp blade scraping across my wrist, taking away all the emotional pain, and replacing it with physical pain. I loved that. Physical pain was way better to me. Way better. I continued. One by one, blood red marks on my small wrist. In a few days those would just be scads. Another mistake. Another story.

I heard a knock on the door. Dang. That's got to be a Demi. She and me are the only one's here.

"Sierra, you've been up here for over an hour. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said in my small innocent, "everything's not fine", voice.

"You sure?" You only use that tone with me when something's wrong."


"Mhm, let me in. Please."

"I'm fine."

"Sierra, I have a key! I'll let myself in if I have to!"

I walked to the door, slowly turned the knob, and opened the door.

"Sierra. Young lady, what happened to your wrist?"

"What happened to yours?"


"You used to cut. I can too."

"That's not how it works young lady. We're going back to Dr. Ridge's office."


She grabbed my wrist (not too hard) and took me out to get hummer. Before I knew it we were at the Therapy Center.

This was just great.

She walked up to the desk worker and said "hi, I don't have an appointment, but Sierra is having more problems with who knows what, so could you please schedule us in for an hour or so? Do you have an opening?"

"You're in luck, we have an available time slot for 2:00. I'll go talk to Dr. Ridge."

Great, could this get worse? It was already 1:50, that meant my appointment was in 10 minutes. Ugh.

We waited, and waited, and waited.

Finally Dr. Ridge was coming out and greeting us he usual does. I don't know why he's always so cheery.

Dr. Ridge's POV:

I went out there and greeted them.
Demi looked disappointed. Sierra looked angry. She had her arms crossed and she was frowning. I don't know why she has such a hard time focusing on the positive side of things. I guess that's what I'm hear for, right?

High School Drama (A Demi Lovato fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt