9)jealous of two best friends

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*they are dating but it's been like two days since they got together * ash gets jealous of how close clemont and Serena are (head cannon as best friends lmao)

Ash never realised how close Clemont  and Serena were and truth be told it kind bugged. him how she would tell him secrets and same with him how they would just suddenly laugh out of nowhere leaving bonnie and him confused  there random hugs.

Ash thought he and Serena where supposed to do all those things not her and clemont

No he didn't hate clemont they where good friends but now that he was Serena boyfriend he was now way more jealous and overprotective than before.

And here they where another day this was Serena and ash's third day of being a couple both hand in hand  walking over to the lemon haired siblings.

"Hey you two love birds how is your new relationship still bliss" Bonnie teased while the couple blushed and nodded slowly which made bonnie giggle and clemont look up and scold her "Bonnie you need to stop teasing them" "NEVER" Bonnie laughed evilly while clemont just shaked  his head in disappointment.

After they sat down for breakfast a few minutes later Serena got up and put her hands on clemonts shoulder leaning down to his work and said "watcha doin clem"
Clemont just shaked his head and chuckled at his nickname while ash had a pool of jealousy in his stomach waiting to explode

"We'll just working on you know what" he smiled not taking his eyes of his work.

Suddenly ash had a idea and said "hey sere want to go on a date with me" he smiled  he wanted Serena all to himself today and he knew he was being selfish but he loved her and wanted to spend every moment with her.

"Sorry ashy ...but I wanted to help clemont with his project today maybe another day" Serena said looking down sadly Serena would love to have a second date with ash it's just she knew how important this machine was to clemont they needed to make sure it doesn't explode for certain reasons...

Ash looked like his whole world has been crushed but kept his composure if he hadn't he would have probably put clemont in a hospital.

"No no no it's alright tomorrow it is then I see you guys later  gonna go train"  ash replied quickly with a fake grin.

It was now quiet late in the evening and Serena became worried for ash he normally would never train till this late...Her and clems work was done so she decided to look for him.

To her  luck she found him training with pikachu non the less but he looked troubled and angry?

"Hey ashy it's quite late we should be going back to the pokemon centre" Serena said cheerfully a smile of relief  on her face.

Ash mumbled with a "you go ill. Come after" as he shouted "PIKACU USE QUICK ATTACK".

"No no no I'll wait but maybe you should take and water break I have water" Serena said a little worried

Ash looked at her a little coldly but gave a slight nod nonetheless.

As both sat down Serena looked around her and said  "you and pikachu must be tired from all that training"  as she looked at the passed out pikachu ash just replied with a simple "mmm" not giving her any eye contact  while saying this.

"I'm really excited for our date tomorrow" Serena said changing the subject.

"Yeah me to" ash said quietly lets just hope you don't leave me for Clemont Again ash thought.

A few minutes passed and Serena finally mustered up the courage to ask..

"Ashy what's wrong your never this quiet did I do something wrong I'm sorry " Serena said looking down

"I'm jealous of how close you and Clemont are" ash said

"What? Of me and clemont but why?" Serena said looking up form her lap

"Just how close you guys are how secretive how touchy I never realised up and till we became a you know a couple
And I Just feel left out and I thought  it was gonna be us like that and only us and when you said no to a date I felt really sad jealous and annoyed at clemont i..know I shouldn't but I couldn't help it I'm sorry if I hurt you sere" ash said this time him being the one looking down

Serena smiled softly and placed her hand on his cheek making him look up and said "ash you know I always and forever will love you and me and clemont are just best friends nothing more and I'm sorry about the date I truly Am and about the us doing those things we will we're just new to this relationship thing but us being childhood friends already means we have already have a solid foundation.  and about me not giving you enough attention is this a good start?"

Serena wrapped her hands around ash's neck ash placing his hands on her waist leaning in and kissing.bliss is the first thought coming to there mind .

After some time they finally separated them  both smiling sitting in a comfortable silence.

They knew they could trust each other and they knew they could always been there for one another.

Half an hour passed and both knew each other's secrets.

and Serena blushing and promising ash that they do more public affection towards each other.ash kissed her cheek in quick swift motion in a thank you manner leaving her even more flustered.

Finally it dawned on him what was that machine?

"Hey Sere can you tell me what machine Clemonts building" clemont usually told the group the type of thing he was working on but this seemed a bit more secretive.

Serena thought for  a moment and said simply "nope"

"But why" the Kanto boy whined

"Cause it's a secret" Serena said as she got up and said "pick up pikachu I think I owe you an a little something maybe a few kisses at our room"

Ash obeyed and grinned nothing was going to come between him and serena nothing and ash just need to learn how to control his jealousy and he knew everyone knew that was gonna be trouble.


I'm so happy my writing styles changes every chapter and do you guys want a part two on this bc like idk please if you do someone let me know and also I just want to say this is my longest chapter and I thought mother was the one i was most proud of now I don't think so I'm just so proud and happy with how this turned out like I just really like it I hope you guys like it as well please let me know bye ✌️

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