8)mother part 2

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This is part two

Dinner is over it was time for dessert before Delilah could get up and get the. Cake she had made for this special accession Serena got up and stammered

"If you wouldn't mind Delilah I've made my signature macarons of course if your comfortable-"

Delilah just smiled softly even though on the inside she was jumping up and down this girl first cared for their son and was beautiful,smart,kind and she could BAKE she's the whole package.

Throughout the dinner Delilah had payed attention to the small details of Serena and ash's relationship how she would make sure he was eating balanced how she made sure everyone including the Pokémon had some sort of food.

How her and ash held hands underneath the table.

Serena saw the shimmer and smile on Delilah's face to know she was allowing Serena to show off her desserts

While ash on the other hand was grinning from ear to ear first him girlfriend and mother get along second he gets to eat his mother cooking which he hasn't in quite a while now don't get him wrong he loves Serenas cooking but nothing beats your mothers and third he got macaroons ash perfect day

Once everyone took one macaroon Serena saw tears in Delilah's eyes and she panicked


Ash stared to wave his hands in the air to show Serena that's not it.

But his mother beat him to it .

"It's perfect" she whispered

Serena almost fainted in happiness as if a boulder left her shoulders. As everyone continued to listen to stories of ash and Serena she smiled through them all .

After a while Delilah got up and said " right time to wash these dishes you kids sit down while I work"

Serena looked horrified and suddenly got up and said "no you made this magnificent dinner for us I should help you it's the least I could do"

Delilah almost fainted she was perfect and she knew how to clean a house she was a blessing to this world no one could change her mind this girl was magnificent and true unique girl with a warm personality.

"Well if you ladies are doing that I might as well help" ash said with a grin in his face as he dragged both his mother and his girlfriend to the kitchen

This was truly a day Delilah would cherish because this was only the beginning of his son who was now a man's love story began with her new daughter in law a match made in heaven just like him and me Delilah thought a tear coming to her eye

Smiling and chuckling at her song antics

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