chapter 19

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It was 8:30pm when Nathalie woke up and once Gabriel had woken up, he tried to convince her to go back to sleep as she needs her rest, but Nathalie said “I need to talk to adrien he’s probably worried because he saw me vomit and I need to explain everything to him".
Nathalie got out of bed and she headed towards Adrien’s room and she lightly knocked on the door, when adrien said “come in" Nathalie pushed the door open and adrien immediately asked her if she was alright? Nathalie said she was fine and she sat next to Adrien on the bed.
I came here to tell you everything because after my vomiting scene, I figured that you deserve an explanation.
Start of Nathalie’s explanation
Basically, I had a toothache so I went to the dentist and they gave me a filling which wasn’t very nice because they applied a numbing gel on to my gums and I couldn’t feel a thing and after that they put an injection into my teeth and it was really painful.
Tears started pouring out of my eyes and your dad soothed me by stroking my hair with one hand and holding my hand with his other hand, for the rest of the procedure my eyes were and once they finished the procedure, I opened my eyes.
The dentist told me that I couldn’t eat anything for 2 hours because my mouth was still numb and that I was only allowed to eat soft foods and that I might experience some said effects, but they said it should go away within 2 or 3 days.
End of Nathalie’s explanation
So that’s why you saw me vomiting because it’s one of the side effects, will you be ok? Adrien questioned, I’ll be fine within a few days Nathalie replied.
Nathalie looked at the time and it was 8:45pm, you should start getting ready for bed adrien because you’ve got school tomorrow, ok goodnight Nathalie, goodnight adrien and Nathalie gave adrien a kiss on the cheek before leaving his room.
When Nathalie got back to her room, she joined Gabriel in bed and she relaxed her head on Gabriel’s chest and Gabriel was gently stroking her hair, did you talk to adrien? Gabriel asked yeah, he was very caring and understanding, I’m going to go to bed know goodnight my butterfly, goodnight my peacock and they both fell asleep.

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