chapter 5

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It was the middle of the night and Nathalie woke up because her toothache was being a pain so she quietly got out of bed, making sure she didn't wake Gabriel up and she headed towards the kitchen.

Once Nathalie had reached the kitchen, she started brewing herself some green tea and as she was drinking her green she saw adrien walk into the kitchen.

Hi adrien Nathalie greeted, hey Nathalie how are you? Fine, thanks howcome your awake, I couldn't sleep so I thought that maybe a glass of water would help.

Adrien was drinking his water and Nathalie was drinking her green tea, taking very small sips because her toothache was very sensitive, adrien had finished his water and he waved Nathalie a good bye before heading back to bed and once Nathalie had finished her green tea, she headed back to bed is well.

In the morning normally Nathalie would wake up before Gabriel but today it was the other way around, Gabriel woke up before Nathalie and all Gabriel could do was stare at her in pity because if it wasn't for her toothache, she would've been up by know.

Gabriel decided to make Nathalie breakfast in bed and once he had finished making breakfast, he put everything on a little tray and he carried it to their bedroom.

Once Gabriel was at their bedroom, he placed the tray on the bedside table and he carefully shook Nathalie awake.

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