chapter 8

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The next day both Gabriel and Nathalie didn't wake up until 11:00am, once they both dressed they started doing a little bit of work, after a while Gabriel asked Nathalie if she was ready to go, because the dentist is a 1 hour and 15 minutes drive from where they lived.

The words lingered in Nathalie's head and soon her face started turning pale and then she could feel her heart rapidly increasing as she was taking deep breaths and soon, she felt a wave of nauseous that was so strong it almost knocked her out.

Gabriel noticed how pale Nathalie had turned and the fact that she was taking deep breaths, didn't put his mind at ease.

Nathalie are you ok? You've gone really pale and your breathing is really heavy.

Nathalie quickly rushed out of the office and Gabriel ran after her, when Nathalie reached the bathroom, she bent down and she started throwing up everything that was in her stomach and while she was throwing up Gabriel rubbed her back to try and sooth her.

Once Nathalie had finished vomiting, she flushed the toilet, wipe her mouth, washed her hands and drank some water.

Are you sick Nathalie? Gabriel questioned, no, Nathalie broke into tears, she was know crying into the crook of Gabriel's neck as she sat on his lap.

I'm scared of the dentist Nathalie said in between sobs, Gabriel massaged her back and he said "don't worry everyone is scared of something" do you want to know what I'm scared of? Yes, was all Nathalie could manage while she was trying to control her sobs "I'm scared of injections".

Once Nathalie had dried her tears she said "injections aren't scary," they are for me, I don't like it when the needle goes into my arm.

Gabriel phoned the dentist and he said that Nathalie is unavailable today, but she will attend tomorrow at 1:00pm and the receptionist at the dentist clinic booked them in for that allocated time.

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