chapter 13

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Once the dentist had left, Gabriel adjusted Nathalie seat so she was sitting up again “is it over" Nathalie asks, not yet my love you need to have a filling.
Nathalie literally freaked out and Gabriel could see it, so he rubbed her back and he said “I promise you’ll feel much better after the filling” and I’ll be by your side till the end of time, so are you ready to have a filling? Nathalie nodded and Gabriel put Nathalie chair back into a lying down position and he called the dentist to say were ready.
The dentist applied numbing gel on to Nathalie’s gums and Nathalie couldn’t feel anything and the fact that her mouth was numb, it caused her a lot of discomfort and tears were starting to form in her eyes.
Gabriel could see the Nathalie was about to cry because of the discomfort she was experiencing and when the dentist injected a needle into Nathalie’s cheek, Nathalie felt the sting in her cheeks and she didn’t like it.
Tears started falling from Nathalie eyes, so Gabriel wiped her tears and he started stroking her hair with one hand and he kept the other hand linked with Nathalie’s, Nathalie closed her eyes as she was enjoyed having her hair being stroked by Gabriel.
The dentist used a drill, to remove the decayed area off Nathalie’s tooth, the dentist then filled the hole in Nathalie tooth and lastly, they polish the filling and they adjusted it so that Nathalie’s bites would feel normal.
Once they were done they adjusted Nathalie seat so she was sitting back up again and once Nathalie was sitting back up, the dentist told her not to eat anything for 2 hours because her mouth is still numb and she is only allowed to eat soft foods, the dentist also said that she might experience some side effects, but they should go away within 2 or 3 days.

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