Chapter 19: Overwhelming (warm and fuzzy feelings)

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As the Midoriya exuberance about the media storm finally dies down, his mom turns to him with a half-grin. "So, how's the friend situation?"

Izuku's good mood falls. "I may have been a little inconsiderate this week. I hope he's not mad at me for ignoring him so much."

She hums and tweaks a lock of hair over his ear. He pulls his blanket up to his nose and grumbles into the soft fabric, "It seems like he likes me, but I still don't know if I can trust him."

She tucks him under her arm and squeezes him to her side. "Those sorts of things take time, dear. Maybe you can try talking through your concerns, and set some boundaries for your friendship."

Talking through his concerns might not be something he can do, exactly. At least, not any time soon.

But he can at least consider this strange new friendship rationally.

* If Murasaki wanted him dead, there have been more than a few opportunities for him to succeed without any witnesses.

* He never asks about Izuku's work, aside from one instance of general curiosity.

* If he was hired to distract him from his projects (?) then he's doing a really good job. The question then becomes: would Izuku care if he's had a distraction sent his way?

Despite the dim light in the living room, Izuku feels compelled to hide his sudden blush behind the blanket. He wouldn't really mind Murasaki distracting him from his work (because he's a fine distraction), but he would mind to discover that someone he'd thought as a friend is only sticking around because they're being paid.

He breathes out a long sigh and wills his cheeks to cool off as his mom slips away to refill their mugs of hot cocoa.

Izuku thinks he can try trusting the guy a little more, especially now that his big job has been completed. He's still a little worried and a little suspicious, but he has to try to get over his concerns. If he keeps freaking out over every little thing, he might never be able to keep any friends.

(Maybe he should just adopt a cat and forget about people.)

(Cats can't replace how hot Murasaki is.)


Saturday rolls in, bright and fresh with the excitement of maybe something new.

Izuku follows a pair of movers in through the lobby that morning, wondering who might be moving in while feeling a little anxious to be back in the building.

(It's fine.)

He watches with mild curiosity as they angle and squeeze their half-floating burden through the stairwell door and disappear from sight.

Movement from the corner of his eye catches his attention, and he realizes the barista is waving excitedly from the café. He gives her a wobbly smile and a small wave (had she actually noticed his absence?) before he heads into the elevator.

He deposits his bag in his apartment before curiosity pulls him next door, and he's very surprised to see the blackout curtains pulled back to fill the apartment with bright morning sunlight.

the cute guy next door (might be a villain) // ShinZukuWhere stories live. Discover now