Chapter 12: Unexpected Consequences (of neglecting to do laundry)

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There can't possibly be worse timing than this, Shinsou thinks, staring in horror at the joy in those pretty green eyes. He's decked out in running gear. Who the fuck runs this late at night?

Midori is so fucking happy to see him, like they're good friends meeting by surprise in the street.

They hardly know each other.

Shinsou barely has time to send a wave over his shoulder as he turns to chase the fleeing suspect down the block, hoping with every fiber of his being that Midori doesn't notice the guy he's tailing and isn't curious enough about where he's going to come after him.

Don't follow don't follow don't follow

He skids around the corner in pursuit and barely ducks out of the way as a fist swings at his face. His hand flicks out and the capture weapon flies, winding around the suspect's ankle. Another length catches a nearby fire escape to brace for leverage and he jerks both arms together to yank the suspect from his feet.

Shinsou grumbles in irritation as his target rolls with the fall and comes up in a crouch, one beefy arm wrapped around the end of the cloth that's still attached to his ankle. The man sharply twists his broad torso and Shinsou is roughly pulled in his direction.

Shinsou curls his body and flows with the movement to dodge the incoming strike and tumbles past his attacker, his gloves and kneepads scraping against the concrete with his momentum. He pops into a defensive crouch in time to parry another swinging fist, and the impact stings harshly against his forearm.

Don't follow don't follow

Shinsou's counter strike lands in a sharp blow against the suspect's side, leaving the guy doubled over in pain. Shinsou gasps in surprise at the fire suddenly raking up his hand through his knuckle guards. He absently shakes his loosely curled fist before falling into a fresh stance.

The two continue to trade blows, the stifled grunts of exertion and muffled thuds of glancing strikes and parries the only sounds echoing through the darkness of the alley.

Don't follow

A can scatters at the end of the alley closest to the street where he'd entered and Shinsou's attention (please not Midori) is diverted just long enough for the suspect's elbow to smack him right across the face. His sight explodes into stars, and the only thing he can think to do is flail his damned capture weapon until it strangles the threat where it stands. (It doesn't.)

Shinsou rolls to the side in time to avoid a foot strike, his vision clearing enough to see his weapon is tangled artlessly around the suspect's torso and an arm.

He blinks rapidly (it isn't helping) as he flicks another loop over the guy, trying to catch the other arm.

Fuck, this guy is tough, Shinsou thinks as he arches backward to dodge a wide strike from the suspect.

Shinsou has a friend a former classmate like him, tough skin and hits like a truck, but early in their training he learned to lock down the arms and legs so he couldn't break loose. It eventually stopped being very effective, but this guy clearly hasn't had much practice in escape techniques. As the binding cloth loops and catches the legs, he pulls tight and the suspect tips over onto his side, bound and wriggling.

the cute guy next door (might be a villain) // ShinZukuWhere stories live. Discover now