Chapter 38

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Previously on Chapter 37


I'm sitting by the window. I stare out at the night sky. My mind drifted back to Zuko. The kiss that we shared. The way we confessed our feelings to each other. I miss him so much.

Zuko/Y/N P.O.V

I miss you

-Searching For Appa-


Katara and Aang are going somewhere. I'm feeling a bit out of it, so I stayed back at our house. I lean my back against the wall, looking at the window.

"Y/N?" I hear Sokka said. "Huh?" I said, turning to look at him. He looks a little worried. "Are you okay? You've been acting a little strange ever since you got back from hanging around those lunatics" he said. I can feel myself getting ticked off by the way he talk about Iroh and Zuko.

"They're not lunatics!" I accidentally yelled out. He jumps back in surprise by my sudden outburst. I just look away and clear my throat. "What is this, huh? Did something happen while you're with them?" He asked. "Stop asking questions..." I said, not looking at him.

The door burst open to reveal Katara and Aang. They look excited. "We found a printer to make our posters!" Katara said, cheerfully. She shows us one of the printed out image of Appa. It looks just like him.

Sokka turns to look at them. He looks offended by the fact they use printer. "Hey, I thought designing the lost Appa poster was my job. I've been working all day on my Appa!" He said, showing us what he have drew. My brother looks exasperate at what he had drawn, while Katara is trying not to laugh. I just giggle softly.

"Sokka, the arrow is on Appa's head..." my brother said. "This IS his head!" He said, pointing at the sketch. "Why are feet coming out of it?" Katara said, confused.

"Those are his horns! I haven't seen him in a while, okay?" He said, hanging his head low. "It looks just like him to me..." Toph said. I bit my lips, trying not to laugh.

"Thank you, I worked really- Why do you feel the need to do that?" He said, after he remembers that Toph is blind. But Toph didn't respond to him. "Let's just stick to the professional version" Katara said. Sokka rips his drawings angrily. "Come on! Let's get busy!!!" Aang yelled out. I stand up and cheers as well.


Aang, me, Momo and l/n flies around the city. We drop the posters all over the place. I hope we can find our missing friend.

Aang flies by me and nods his head. I nod back. We turn our glider and head back home. Our friends should be done with their parts.

"We just finished dropping all the leaflets" I said, as we enter the house. "Has anyone come in with news about Appa?" My brother said, who's walking in front of me. Katara turns to look at him with a smile.

"It's only been a day... be patient" she said. I just let out a sigh and take a seat by the window, like I have always done before. "Hopefully, we can find clues. Just anything... that would lead us to where Appa is" I said.

A knock on the door makes Aang jumps to his feet."Wow, you're right! Patience really pays off!" He said. He runs towards the door and opens it. I turn to see Joo Dee.

"Joo Dee?" I said. She looks at each of us, with the same wide smile. "Hello, Aang, and Y/N, and Katara, and Sokka, and Toph" she said. Sokka walks up to her.

"What happened to you? Did the Dai Li throw you in jail?" He said. "What? Jail? Of course not. The Dai Li are the protectors of our cultural heritage" she said. I can see her usual weird character. She keeps giving me the impression that she's under some kind of... hypnosis.

"But you disappeared at the Earth King's party" she said. "Oh, I simply took a short vacation to Lake Laogai, out in the country. It was quite relaxing" she said. Sokka glares at her, suspiciously.

"But then they replaced you with some other woman who also said her name was Joo Dee" Katara said. She looks surprised at what she said. "I'm Joo Dee" she said.

"Why are you here?" I asked, walking to stand next to my brother. She lift her hand to show the poster we've dropped around the city. "Dropping fliers and putting up posters isn't permitted within the city. Not without proper clearance" she said. Sokka looks even more annoyed. "We can't wait around to get permission for everything" he said.

"You are absolutely forbidden by the rules of the city to continue putting up posters" she said. Aang steps up in front of her, his face turning red from anger. "We don't care about the rules and we're not asking permission!" He yelled. Joo Dee looks scared at his sudden outburst.

"We're finding Appa on our own and you should just stay out of our way!" He said. He slams the door shut on her. He breathes heavily. "That might come back to bite us in the blubber" Sokka said. I nod my head in agreement.

"He's right, brother... we might be in trouble and we won't be able to find Appa" I said. He turns to look at me. "I don't care! From now on, we do whatever it takes to find Appa! And don't try to talk me out of this. If only you had stayed with us... you could've helped us protect Appa and prevent those sand-benders from taking him away!!" He said. I take a step back at his outburst.

"Aang...  you're blaming me on this! If I had known... I would've stayed with you! I have no control over this, brother. I can't believe you right now. You're upset... I get it. I felt the same way when I lost b/n. You think I want you to go through the same??" I said. His eyes soften at what I said. "Y/N... I'm-" he started. I shake my head.

"Don't bother apologizing... I'm out of here" I said, cutting him off. I turn around and walks away. I can feel tears building up in my eyes as I keep walking away.


I ended up standing by the bridge. I lean my body forward as I try to stop my tears from falling. I can't believe my OWN brother would blame me for Appa's disappearance.

He knew how sad I was when I lost my bison. Am I making the wrong choice when I decided to stay with Zuko? I let out a groan and ruffles my hair out of frustration. Gosh! Why are things keep on getting more difficult and confusing for me!

What's worse is that... I actually fell in love with our supposed to be enemy. This is just like Aunt Wu said. My love life is very complicated. Now I'm even more confused.

*to be continued*

Change of Hearts (Zuko X Reader) Book 2Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang