Chapter 25

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Previously on Chapter 24

We are quite high in the sky. I turn to look at what is coming towards us. It's some sort of machine, and it looks like it's made out of metal.

What is that thing??

-That Thing Won't Stop-


I lean over Appa's saddle and look into the distance. But there isn't much to see because it's still quite dark out here. I turn my head slightly to see all of my friends are sleepy. Sokka looks like he's ready to fall asleep any seconds.

After a while, we finally land. Toph jumps off Appa's back and lay on the ground. "Ah... land sweet land! See you guys in the morning!" She said. She jumps up and was about to walk off.

"Actually, can you help us unload?" Katara said. I let out a sigh because she just never learns. I did tried to tell her that Toph probably isn't used to teamwork, and that we have to show her slowly.

"Really? You need me to help unload Sokka's funky-smelling sleeping bag?" Toph said, sarcastically. I hear a loud thud and turn my head to see Sokka on the ground. I turn to look at my brother to see him shrugging.

"Well, yeah. That and everything else. You're a part of our team now, and-" Katara tried to say. "Look! I didn't ask you to help unload my stuff! I'm carrying my own weight" Toph said.

"That's not the point. Ever since you joined us, you've been nothing but selfish and unhelpful!" Katara said, angrily. Her words obviously angers Toph. "What? Look here, sugar queen, I gave up everything I had so that I could teach Aang and Y/N earthbending. So don't you talk to me about being selfish!" She said.

"Sugar queen??" Katara said. Toph sits down on the ground and creates an earth tent. She creates a door right in front of Katara's face. Katara flinched at the sudden appearance of the door.

"D-Did you just slam the door in my face? How can you be so infuriating?!" She said. She starts banging on the rock tent. I'm surprise her hand isn't bleeding from all that banging.

"Should we do something?" Aang said. I turn to look at me. "Hey, I'm just enjoying the show" Sokka said, with an amused face. Aang let's out a huff and turn to look at me. "I tried to talk to Katara a while ago... she won't listen to me. You try..." I said. He sighs at my comment and nod his head. He stands up and walk up to Katara.

"Okay, okay, you both need to calm down" he said. "Both? I'm completely calm!!!!" She yelled as she turns around with a crazed look on her face. Aang's face paled as he stands like a statue, clearly startled by Katara's sudden outburst. "I... can see that" Aang said, awkwardly. He quickly backs away from them.

All of us, except for Toph are laying on the ground in a straight line. I'm laying down next to my brother. I gently run my hand across l/n as she lay on top of me.

"The stars sure are beautiful tonight. Too bad you can't see them, Toph!" Katara suddenly said. I can feel vibrating on the ground and Katara got sent flying on top of Sokka, startling him.

"Hey, how's a guy supposed to sleep with all this yelling and earthquaking?" He said, annoyed by the girls' constant bickering. I let out a sigh and turn my head away from them.

I can feel a slight changes in the air. "That thing is back" I said. "Oh come on... stop joking around. Can't I just get some rest?" Sokka whined. "Y/N's right! It's back!" Toph said. Sokka huffed at her comment.

"Well, how far away is it? Maybe we can close our eyes just for a few minutes" Sokka said, covering her head. Aang turns his head. I turn my head to look at where he's looking, to see a smoke. "I don't think so, Sokka" he said.

And we're back in the sky. I turn my head to look at the steel tank that have been following us. Just who is behind this? And what do they want from us? Why do they kept on following us??

"Seriously, what is that thing anyway?" Katara said. "And how does it keep finding us?" Toph said. I let out a sigh. "Wish I'd know... but I'm too sleepy to process anything at the moment" I said, sighing. They let out a groan at my comment, as a sign of agreement.


We are now on top of a mountain. Appa lands on the ground and turns his body, sending all of us falling from his back. I wince because of the pain.

"Okay, forget about setting up camp. I'm finding the softest pile of dirt and going to sleep" he said, while crawling on the ground inside a sleeping back. He looks like a worm. If I wasn't too sleepy, I would've laugh at the sight.

"That's good because Toph wasn't going to help anyway!" Katara said. Goodness... can't they just get along? Katara is the one who said she's glad to have another girl in the group. Now she's the one who just kept on complaining.

"Come on guys, there's something after us and we don't even know what or who it is" Aang said. He pulls the top part of his shirt over his head. I let out a sigh and just lay on the ground.

"It could be Zuko. We haven't seem him since the North Pole" Katara said. I can feel my heart skip a beat at her comment. Zuko... we haven't heard of him in a while.

"Who's Zuko?" Toph said. "Oh, just some angry freak with a ponytail who's tracked us all over the world..."he said. "What's wrong with ponytails, Ponytail?" Katara said. "This is a warrior's wolf tail" he said.

"By the way... this Zuko guy. Is he that bad?" Toph said, suddenly. "He's the worst! We hate him" Sokka said. "You sure about that? Cause... I can feel Y/N's heartbeat speeding up from the mention of the boy" Toph said. I can feel my cheeks turning a deeper shade of color. I'm glad that it's dark right now, so everyone didn't see it.

"Y/N?" Aang said. "Huh? What?" I said, pretending to just awaken from his voice. "If you just got awake. Why did Toph said your heart beats faster after we mention Zuko's name?" He said. "I don't know what you're talking about" I said, trying to sound clueless.

"Hmm... anyway, whoever's chasing us couldn't have followed us here, so, now would everyone just shh?" Sokka said. I can hear irritation in his voice. But I just ignore that. I'm just glad they stopped talking about Zuko. Why did I reacted that way anyway??

*to be continued*

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