Chapter 35

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Previously on Chapter 34

"Get in trouble with who?!" Katara said. "Shh, listen, you can't mention the War here. And whatever you do, stay away from the Dai Li" he said. Then he just slams the door shut. I let out a sigh. We can't find Appa any time soon. So... looks like we're stuck here for a while. Might as well make the most of it.

-Sneaking In-


I lean my back against the wall, while looking out the window. "I got it! I know how we're going to see the Earth King!" Katara said, as she suddenly enters the room. I turn to look at her.

"How are we suppose to do that?" I asked. "One doesn't just pop in on the Earth King!" Toph said, attempting to mimic Joo Dee's weird talk. "The king is having a party at the palace tonight for his pet bear" she said.

"You mean, platypus bear?" My brother said. "No, it just says 'bear'" she said. "Certainly you mean his pet skunk bear" Sokka said. I lean forward, giving them my attention. "Or his armadillo bear" Toph said. "Just... bear" Katara said. "This place is..." Toph start. "Weird..." I finished. She nods her head at what I said.

"The palace will be packed. We can sneak in with the crowd!" Katara said. Toph scoffs at what she said. "Won't work..." she said, laying down. "Why not?" I said, confused.

"Well, no offense to you simple country folk, but a real society crowd will spot you a mile away. You've got no manners!" Toph said. She takes a pastry from a bowl and eats it.

"Excuse me? I've got no manners?! You're not exactly "lady fancy fingers!"" Katara said, sounding offended. Toph let out a loud burps. "I learned proper society behavior and chose to leave it. You never learned anything. And frankly, it's a little too late" she said. She picks her nose and flicks it off her finger.

"Aha, but you learned it! You could teach us!" Sokka said, excitedly. "Yeah, I'm mastering every element. How hard could manners be‌?" My brother said. He walks over and grabs a curtain. He wraps it around himself to act like a cape.

"Good evening, Mr. Sokka Water Tribe, Ms. Katara Water Tribe, Lord Momo of the Momo Dynasty. Your Momo-ness" he said. I cover my mouth, trying not to laugh at his silliness. Sokka decided to play along. "Avatar Aang, how do you do? Go on" he said. Aang bows at Sokka. Sokka bows back at him. In the end, they bow in sync and bumps their heads. They fall on their butts. I burst out laughing.

"Katara and Y/N might be able to pull it off, but you two would be lucky to pass as busboys!" Toph said. "But I feel so fancy" Sokka said. I let out a snort and shake my head.


The three of us enters the house wearing a dress. The boys stops playing their game and turns to look at us. I can see Sokka's cheek turning slightly pink as he stares at me. While Aang looks flustered as he stares at Katara.


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"Wow... you look beautiful" Aang said, staring at Katara with a dreamy look. Sokka flicks Aang's forehead, making him flinch. Katara was about to say something, but Toph stops her.

"Don't talk to the commoners, Katara. First rule of society" she said. She just nods her head. We make our way out of the house to head to the party. Katara turns to the boys and said we'll try to find a way to sneak them in.

We make our way to the entrance. There's a guard in front of the door. "Invitation please" he said. "I think this will do" Toph said, showing the official seal of her family.

"No entry without an invitation. Step out of line, please" he said. I can tell his comment ticked Toph. "Look, the Pangs and the Yum Soon Hans are waiting in there for us! I'm going to have to tell them who didn't let me in" she said, threateningly. "Step out of line please" the guard said. I let out a sigh as we walk to the side.

"Come on..." Katara said. We follow her as she make her way to a man and two Dai Li agents. Katara walk up to him.

"Sir, I'm sorry to bother you, but my cousin lost our invitations. She's blind. Do you think you could help us? Our family's inside and I'm sure they're very worried" she said. "I am honored, please come with me" he said, with a smile as he bows at us. He turns around and makes his way inside, with the three of us following him. I can hear sound, and turn my head to see Katara and Toph making faces at the guard.

"I'm Kwa Mai. This is Li Wei, and this is... Dum" Katara said. I turn to look at Toph as she frowns. She pulls the string hanging from Katara's headdress. She let out a yelp in return.

"Now where is your family? I'd love to meet them" Long Feng said. "Uh ... I don't see them right now, but I'm sure we'll find them soon" I said, pretending to look around. "Thanks for all your help" Katara said.

We turn around to walk away, but Long Feng moves to stand in front of us. "Don't worry, as your escort it would be dishonorable to abandon you ladies without finding your family first. We'll keep looking" he said. Katara and I shared a worried glance.

It took a while, but we manage to lose him. I turn my head and notice Aang with Sokka. They're disguised as servants. Toph makes his way over to them.

"Another crab puff, please..." Toph said, in a fancy manner. Sokka stares at her, squinting his eyes. "You found us!" Aang said. I smile at him. "Hello, brother" I said, in a hush voice. So only the boys can hear.

"I'd know your little footsteps anywhere, Twinkle Toes" Toph said, using her normal voice. "Thanks for letting us in..." Sokka said, sarcastically. "Sorry, but the guy who escorted us in won't let us out of his sight!" Katara said.

"What guy?" Aang said, looking confused. I open my mouth to explain, when someone suddenly appears in front of us. It's Joo Dee.

She have a worried face. "What are you doing here? You have to leave immediately, or we will be in terrible trouble!" She said. She tries to push Sokka, who blocks her with a tray.

"Not until we see the King!" He said. Joo Dee shakes her head. "You don't understand. You must go" she said. She push Sokka, which causes him to bump to Aang. The impact causes Aang to spray the water all over a woman.

"Aarrrghhhh! Oh!!" She shrieked. I start to panic at her reaction. "Sorry, no. Don't shout!" Aang said. I use my air-bending to dry her off.

She stares at me in shock, then she smiles. "The Avatars! I didn't know the Avatars would be here" she said. The other guests attentions turns to look at us. "You keep their attention while I look for the king" Sokka whispers to us.

I turn to look at my brother and nod my head. He nods back with a grin. "Watch this, everybody!!" He said. He jumps to a table and bend some water. He starts to put a show for the guests. Everyone starts to clap at the show he provides. Good one, brother.

*to be continued*

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