Chapter 10

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Previously on Chapter 9

"You realize we're probably walking right into a trap, right?" Sokka said. "I don't think so, Sokka..." I said. "I'm sure the governor wants his son back as much as we want Bumi" Aang said, agreeing with me. I nod my head at what he said. I smile as I turn to look at the baby, as he sleeps against Aang's chest. "It's a new day. I have a good feeling about this..." I said, enthusiastically.

-Terrible Trio-


We are now gathering by the meeting place. In front of us stood 3 girls. I don't know who they are... but I can tell they're trouble. I can see someone being lowered down. I smile when I see it's Bumi. He starts laughing.

"Hi, everybody!" He said, still laughing. "Bumi!" I said, grinning happily. We focus our attention to the girls. "You brought my brother?" The girl with long black hair said. "He's here. We're ready to trade" I said, gesturing towards the baby who's sleeping in Aang's arms.

"I'm sorry. But a thought just occurred to my mind. Do you mind?" A girl in ponytail said. She looks like a royal member. "Of course not. Princess Azula" the girl said.

"We're trading two year old for a king. A powerful, earth-bending king?" She said, turning to look at Bumi. "Mmm hmmm!" Bumi said, grinning at her. "It doesn't seem like a fair trade, does it?" She said, smirking at us.

I clench my hands into a tight fists, already knowing where this is going. But I try to keep my anger in. We can't let those girls know Aang and I are the Avatars.

"You're right. The deal's off!" The girl said. "Just how heartless can you be?? You just declare that the deal is off? Do you not care for your brother?" I yelled. I can't believe this girl. I would happily give up my life if it meant saving someone I love. But this girl refuse to do so... just because a "Princess" said it's not a fair deal.

The girl's eyes remains unchanged. But I can see her eyes glistening slightly. She does feel something. But I guess she's afraid of Azula. This lets me know that Azula is a sinister girl. I have to be careful with her.

The girl lift her hand, causing Bumi to get lifted up. "Whoa... see you all later!" Bumi said. How can he look so amuse, when he's being held captive. That I never know.

"Bumi!!" Aang yelled. He hands the baby over to me. He sprints forward with his glider at the ready. He increase his speed using his bending. Azula tries to block his path. I use my air-bending with one hand, while the other hand is holding the baby.

"The Avatars... my lucky day" Azula said, smirking. I hand the baby over to Sokka. I can't have Aang battle Azula on his own. This girl is bad news. I rush after Aang, trying to get Bumi to safety.

We land on Bumi's metal cage. "Aang? Y/N? Is that you? Where did you two came from?" He said. "Just hang on, Bumi" I said. "We're gonna get you out!" Aang said.

"Aang use your breathe. Break the chain!" I said. He nods his head. "Good idea" he said. He starts to blow on the chain, making ice appear around it. "Aang, stop your blowing for a minute" Bumi said. "Shush! We're going to get you out" I said. I feel something coming our way. I turn my head to see a stream of blue fire coming at us. I use my air-bending and deflect it away.

"Now, hold on just a- duaaahhh!!!" Bumi yelled. As Aang breaks the chain, sending us falling. Aang creates an air balloon to reposition it on a chute.

"It's just like old time, isn't it?" Aang said, whooping in laughter. I turn my head and notice Azula not far from us. She have a smirk on her face.

"Aang, Y/N. I need to talk to you!" Bumi said, in serious voice. "It's good to see you too!" Aang said. I roll my eyes at what he said. "That's not what he said, dummy!" I said, hitting the back of his head. "Ow..." he said, rubbing his head. "Oh suck it up. We have company..." I said, gesturing towards Azula. He turns to his left and notice Azula across from us. The chute comes together as we're now in one path.

I turn to face her, trying my best to stay balance. I use my bending and send a gust of air towards her. She parts it with her hands. She send a blast of blue flame in returns. I create an air dome around us.

"Aang, break that arches!" I said. He use air blade and breaks it. I increase the speed, so we can move past it. Azula gets caught in the dust from the debris. When the chute comes into the clearing, we found out it's empty.

Aang let's out a sigh of relief. "Don't be too quick to relax" I said. Azula emerges again and send another stream of blue flame. "I told you so!!" I yelled while trying my best to deflect the fire.

I hear a familiar groan. I turn my head to see Appa, with Katara and Sokka on his back. Aang moves the chute, trying to get it out of the track. As fly over them, as they try to catch the coffin. But didn't manage to. We land on another chute. With Azula still hot in our tail.

Azure creates a whirling disk of fire. Suddenly a pillar of earth rises. It breaks Azula's box. I gasp in shock and turn to look at Bumi.

"You could earth-bend? All along??" Aang said. I turn to look at Azula again. She looks displeased as we continue to descent away from her. I grin and wave at her teasingly. She looks even more annoyed. Well... whoops.

"Well, they didn't cover my face" he said. Another rock pillar appear. The coffin hits it and ended up standing straight on top of it. Aang and I land in front of Bumi.

"I don't understand. Why didn't you free yourself?" I said. "Why did you surrender when Omashu was invaded?? What's the matter with you, Bumi?" Aang said.

"Listen to me, Aang... Y/N. There are options in fighting. Called Jing. It's a choice of how you direct your energy" he said. "We know!!" I yelled at him. "There's positive jing when you're attacking, and negative jing when you're retreating" Aang said. "And neutral jing when you do nothing" Bumi said, grinning.

"There are three jings??" Aang said, holding up his fingers. "Well, technically there are eighty-five. But let's focus on the third. Neutral jing is the key to earth-bending. It involves listening and waiting for the right moment to strike" he said. "That's why you surrendered, isn't it?" I said, finally realizing what he meant.

"Yes, and it's why I can't leave now..." he said. I look down sadly. Aang wraps an arm around my shoulder in comforting manner.

"I guess we need to find someone else to teach us earth-bending" I said. "Your teacher will be someone who has mastered the neutral jing. You need to find someone who waits and listens before striking" Bumi said. Momo lands on Aang's shoulder. While I open my arms as l/n comes and lands on them.

"Hey, Momo!" Aang said, happily. I smile and gently caress l/n's head. "Momo and l/n mastered a few jings themselves!" Bumi said, causing the two lemur to screech at him.

"Goodbye, Y/N... Aang. I'll see you two when the time is right" he said. He lets his coffin tumbled backwards and start descending up. I just watch him going away in silence.


I accompany Aang to return the baby back to his parents. Aang silently lands behind them and place the baby down. He jumps back up and lands next to me.

"Tom Tom!!" The woman said, picking the baby up in her arms. I smile fondly at the sight. Aang nudges me gently. I turn my head to look at him. He smiles softly at me and make a head gesture that we should get going. I nod my head. We turn around and we leave the place.

*to be continued*

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