"You guys don't have to worry about me. I'll be fine. Wrestling is what I'm meant to do. I just know it is."

That kind of determination and self-belief was admirable to say the least, and Jay knew that it was up to him and Erin to do everything they could to support it. He saw it as a duty. It was a duty he had no intention of failing in.


Jay let Clementine go into the house first when they got home, carrying her sports bag for her.

"Mom! Kayla! I'm home!" Clem cried, hurrying through to the living room.

"Clem! Come here, sweet pea," Erin said, quickly getting off the couch for a hug. "Keep your voice down or you'll wake your brother. Kayla has gone out with Kalinda, but she wanted me to say she hopes you had a great time and kicked some butt."

Clem laughed as they hugged each other. "There was no butt kicking tonight, mom."

"Okay, sit down and tell me all about it. You don't look like you got hurt. Hey," Erin added to Jay when he came over, giving him a peck on the lips.

"Hey back. I'll get us a beer while Clem tells you how her night went." He headed through to the kitchen, took two bottles of beer out of the refrigerator, and used a bottle opened to take the tops off. When he walked back into the living room with them, Clem had her top pulled up, showing Erin her back. He figured the part about the ropes being painful had just been covered.

"I can't see any bruising. It might come up by morning though," Erin was saying. "Do you want me to ice it for you?"

"It's okay, mom. I figure I'm going to get bruised worse than this."

Jay saw Erin wince, struggling as much as he was with Clem getting hurt. He handed Erin her beer then sat down beside her.

"I think Coach Deeb wants me to start working out," Clem announced as she took her usual seat on the other couch. "She asked me if I did, and she didn't seem impressed when I said I don't."

"If the first few lessons go well, we can look at getting you a gym membership," Erin said, looking at Jay for confirmation and getting it in the form of a nod. It would be more expense, but they were committed at this point.

"You could come work out with me and Raquel. Would you like that?" he asked Clem.

"Hell... I mean, heck yeah!" she cried. "Raquel is awesome. She makes me laugh, and she's big and strong. I don't know why she's not a wrestler. She'd be perfect for it."

Erin laughed, letting the slip in language pass because Clem had corrected herself. "Raquel likes being a cop, Clem. So, you think the lesson went well? Did the coaches like your work?"

"I think so," Clem said uncertainly. "I don't know really."

We'll find out tomorrow, Jay thought. He would get a call from Coach Deeb with her initial assessment of Clem, which would tell him if she had any chance of actually learning to wrestle. He metaphorically had everything crossed for her dream not to be crushed almost before it even got started.


Later, after Clementine had gone to bed, Jay and Erin were settled on the couch together with the TV on. They were not really watching it though, in fact they had talked over most of the show that was on.

"Oh, I messaged Kim while you were out. I asked if they want to come over tomorrow night for some Indian food. That place we ordered from last time was very nice."

"Yeah, it was. Did they say they'll come?" Jay asked, hoping for a positive answer. "We've not had them over for ages, and I miss spending time with Ruze. Need to ask him to be my best man."

"Yes, they're coming. It took Kim a while to reply, so I've got the impression that at least one of them had to think about it. My decision to promote Raquel over Ruze probably didn't go down well with them. I wish they wouldn't take my professional decisions personally. Kim's my number one choice for maid of honour, but I'm now wondering if she'll turn me down."

"Er, I don't think it'll come to that. I get what you're saying about professional decisions and personal relationships, but try to see it from their point of view. They'll think it's not the first time you've treated one of them badly."

"Jay, I've not treated them badly," she groaned.

"Adam and Kim probably don't see it that way though, that's my point. It's good that they've agreed to come. Using it as an opportunity to mend some fences wouldn't be the worst idea in the world."

Erin clearly didn't like what he was saying. Her body language told him that. But after a moment she sighed and came around to his way of thinking. "Alright, fine. I'll clear the air if it needs to be cleared. If it's going to be cold between Kim and I though, I'll ask Z instead."

"Er, you know I love you, but sometimes you need to learn to back down. Don't approach this like a confrontation that you need to win. Approach it wanting to get a friendship back to the way it should be. Adam and Kim are our people, right?"

Erin needed to stew on that one for a moment too. "I'm glad you talk sense into me, Jay," she said eventually. "Okay, I hear you. I'll try and fix things up if there are problems. I do want to be close friends with Kim again. I miss those times."

"Kim probably does too. This is the problem with working with people you have personal relationships with. We're lucky that we're able to do it without any drama."

Erin giggled, moving past her little mood. "That's true. Having to fire my fiancée would be seriously awkward."

Moving quickly, Jay shifted over and sat on her lap, trapping her in place on the couch. "Now don't start getting sassy with me, Erin. Kayla's out and the kids are in bed. I have duct tape and I'm not afraid to use it."

"Do your worst, I dare you," she teased. The electricity was already flowing between them.

"Come with me and I will." Jay stood up, then pulled Erin to her feet. They hurried up the stairs as fast as they could without making enough noise to wake up the kids.


A/N: Clem enjoyed her first wrestling lesson, but what will Coach Deeb say when she calls Jay with her assessment?

Erin wants Kim to be her maid of honour, but she thinks there might be tension between them because of things that have happened at work. Do you think Kim will agree to be maid of honour?

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