12: Who heals the healers?

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I pressed the passcode of her unit. But then realized that it won't be good to enter her home randomly. I pressed on the doorbell and after a while, the door opened.

I saw Y/n wearing comfy clothes, hair in a neat bun, and pair of Ironman slippers. She just turned back and went inside. I went in and closed the door behind me.

"What is the problem with the will?" I questioned her. She just went to her dining area while I put off my shoes, slipped my feet into the Ironman slippers I bought and kept them in her unit to wear while I'm at her home and followed her.

I went to her dining counter and my eyes widen. "You made all these?" I asked. She passed me a disgusting look and shook her head. "I stay away from the kitchen because every time I cook something it burns. So I try to avoid wasting ingredients at all costs. This is from the restaurant nearby," she said sitting down at the dining table.

I put my bag on the couch, opened my coat, went to the sink to wash my hands and my face, patted those dry with the towel, and sat on the table. I looked at the various Chinese dishes laid on the table.

"Eat!" she exclaimed while shoving the chow mein in her mouth. I nodded and served myself some chow mein as well. "What is the problem?" I asked her again. She placed her index finger over her lips and asked me to shut up. I gladly complied and fixed my concentration on the feast.


"Can you tell me what is the problem?" I asked her again sitting on the couch. She came to me and held my hand and took me to her bedroom. What is she doing? I was blinking rapidly.

She made me sit on the edge of the bed and went to get something from her cupboard. She brought back a file in her hand and showed it to me. I was about to grab it but she pulled it away. I frowned at her and tilted my head.

"What are you doing?" I asked her in confusion. "What happened to you?" she questioned me coldly. "What happened to me?" I knitted my brows in confusion. "You seem disturbed," she said. And my eyes widen.

Probably because of what happened earlier with my dad. Those words roamed around in my head.

I shook my head and said, "Nothing is wrong. Give me that!" I tried to stay normal and prevented myself from breaking down. I tried grabbing the file but she pulled it away from my reach.

"You're lying. I can see that you are hiding something. Are you upset somehow? Did someone bother you?" she asked and I couldn't hold it anymore. I broke down, tears streaming down my face and my breath hitching. I know I'm weak especially when she's in front of me I'm even more vulnerable.

I wrapped my arms around her waist and brought her standing figure closer to my sitting figure. I placed my head on her belly and sobbed hard.

"M- my dad! I fought w-with him today! He cal-called me a disgrace. A disabl- disabled child. He always says th-that I can't do anything. But Prin-Princess trust me, I give my b-best in everything. But he is never happy. He says that he re-regrets having me. He b-blames me for everything. T-this is too much for me. I'm we-weak, Princess. My parents are s-so cruel. Every time something wrong hap-happens my dad blames me. He b-beats me but ever since I met you at least he doesn't ab-abuses me physically. But the mental abuse is unbearable. I can't take it anymore. It's to-too difficult for me," I finally let it all out to her.

I could feel her caressing my hair gently and her shirt getting wet with my tears. I felt safe. I felt safe under her touch. I could cry in front of her. I could speak my heart out in front of her. I could be myself in front of her. I can be weak in front of her. It feels good. It feels right. It feels comfortable. It feels like being loved. It feels as if we are both healing each other.

She tried to pull me away but I refused while clinging to her. "No, let's just stay like this for a while," I said and she massaged my scalp gently with the tips of her fingers. I calmed down under her touch, my head on her belly and my hands around her waist.


I squinted my eyes trying to adjust to the sunlight hitting my face. "Did I forget to slide the curtains last night?" I mumbled while sitting up on the bed.

I blinked and yawned. Then the realization hit me. This is not my room! I looked around and registered that it was Y/n's bedroom.

I quickly looked inside the duvet to see if I was sexually abused last night but I was still wearing my trousers and shirt so I guess not. Why do I feel sad that nothing happened last night? I slapped those dirty thoughts away and looked around.

I couldn't find Y/n in the room so I got up and went towards the living room only to find her sleeping on the ground with her head on the coffee table. The laptop in front of her and papers lay around her. She probably slept while working last night.

I went to her and was about to carry her to the bedroom when suddenly the doorbell rang.

She flinched and opened her eyes. She looked at me and I leaned down before patting her head. "Let me check who is it," I said before standing up straight and going back to the door.

I opened the door. Yoongi was standing there and when he noticed me he frowned at me. "What are you doing here?" he asked me coldly. "I could ask the same for you?" I counterattacked.

"This is not your house so I'm not obliged to answer, Mr. Boy next door!" he said pushing me aside and getting inside. "Hey! Who asked you to get in, Mr...Mr .... Mr. Vanilla ice cream?" I yelled after thinking for a while.

"This is not your house so you don't get to order me!" Yoongi shrugged, putting off his shoes. "Exactly! This is not your house as well so you can't just go around walking here!" I barked, following him.

"And why vanilla ice cream?" He asked with a frown. "You're pale-skinned, similar to the color of vanilla ice cream, and cold as ice cream so that was the first thing that came to mind!" I pointed out.

"Wipe off your drool first. Negative points to impress Y/n," he casually said, going to the living room and I wiped off the corner of my lips.

I followed him and went to the kitchen to wash my face. I washed it and fixed my messy hair with wet hands. I went back to the living room when Y/n screamed, "NOBODY DID AN AUTOPSY?"


A/N: If Angels heal humans then who heals Angels?

Double-update since we reached more than 1k reads. Thank you once again.

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Princess Maleficent || Jeon Jungkook ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora