Chapter 14 - The Boy With Kind Eyes

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Everyone was in their best attire.

At least that's what it looked like to me.

San had warned me about the area and how posh it was so here I was standing in my best white shirt and black jeans with my brown jacket on top.

I look at my reflection in the pristine glass of the boutique.

I looked comical.

I looked ridiculous compared to the people here.

What was I thinking?

This was never a good idea, to begin with. And I definitely shouldn't have come here alone and asked San to meet me here. He should have come with me.

I text San again with shaky hands, the nerves getting the better of me.

He was supposed to be here.

He was supposed to help me.

Where the hell was this kid?

Three girls giggle and snicker as they come out of the boutique, in Royal High's uniform, carrying big bags.

One girl makes eye contact with me and I look away.

I hear them whisper and snicker before moving away.

I know they are not talking about me.

I am still invisible, maximum a fly on the wall for them. They don't take notice of me but my inferiority complex kicks in and makes me feel like I am being scrutinized.


Have to resubmit the essay to my homeroom teacher.

It is going to take me another two hours to get there.

I am really sorry.

Go in without me.

I'll make it up to you later.

Love ya - San.

A series of messages flood my kakao.

I stare at the messages for a good minute before letting out a brutal groan. He did not just ditch me.

Oh I was going to kill him.

I was so going to kill him.

Our friendship was dead.

I don't know him anymore.

I let out another groan and a few pedestrians give me a look of despair. I shrink more into the large jacket.

San was going to pay for it.

I didn't want to come here today but he forced me to and now he was a no-show.

That asshole.

I will surely end my friendship with him.


I look up at the signboard of the shop.

The board is ivory with a maroon lining on the borders. The Royals High monograph sits in the middle and something is written underneath it most probably in french. Very minimalist.

Even the signboard looks elegant.

I take a deep breath in and a deep breath out.

It is now or never.

I don't think I will be able to bring myself to come here again.

Might as well just get it over with.

Just as I am standing in the middle of the pavement, gathering the courage to step a foot inside the shop a pole of a man walks by, unintentionally shoving me to the side.

Me being me, I lose my balance and end up on my butt on the sidewalk.

Rude much.

"Oh, I am so sorry. I didn't see you there" a sweet voice speaks and a hand is extended.

I don't hesitate to grab it as it helps me to stand up.

I was already sticking out like a sore thumb here.

I wanted to embarrass myself as minimum as possible and that involved spending as less time as possible sprawled out on the pavement like a frog.

Although the man is wearing the same uniform as Royals High, he too was not wearing a blazer but a leather jacket similar to... I jump back a little, afraid that weirdo followed me here.

Did the dumpster boy really follow me?

I was right about him being dangerous.

I search my jeans pocket for my keys, ready to use them as a weapon if needed.

The boy is just as startled by my actions as he stares at me with bewilderment.

That is when I notice his face. Well, what's visible of it, anyway.

The guy is wearing a white ball cap and a white mask. I can only see a few strands of black hair peeking through the cap and only his eyes are visible.

And they definitely don't look like the eyes of that creep from last night.

His eyes hold a softness to them which was definitely not the case with Yeonjun.

Yeonjun's eyes were smaller, more slit-like, like a snake, or maybe a fox? And they held a dangerous spark to them.

He had that aura of a loose cannon. You didn't know what that boy was gonna do.

Whereas this guy standing in front of me had slightly rounder and bigger eyes, similar to a fish? No, a bunny?

Although that may also be because he was startled by my actions.

Even so, his eyes held a sense of kindness that was such a contrast to the coldness I witnessed in Yeonjun last night.

Why was I still thinking about Yeonjun?

I look at the boy in front of me. He blinked rapidly as he stared at me, waiting for me to say something.

Oh right.

"It's okay. I should be the one to apologize. I shouldn't have stood here blocking people's way anyway. I should get going" I mumble out and avoid eye contact.

I speed walk past the boy with kind eyes and enter the shop.  

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