Chapter 5: Fuck The Fucking Capital, Like WTF You Doing Fucking Up My life??

Start from the beginning

"Posy is with mom right now, and Vick is.." Vick came running in out of breath "Right there"

"Gale!" He also hugged me "hi, I missed you"

"Hi, I missed you too." 

They set their backpacks down and we all went to the living room. They wanted to know everything about the trip, so I told them. Rory asked when the wedding would be, so I had to tell him that it was fake. A little bit later my mother and sister got home. Posy was so excited to see me, she ran toward me to hug me and didn't want to let go.

We all hung out and I told them everything that happened. After a few hours, it was about 9 pm so they all went to bed. My mom sat next to me in the living room. Neither of us said anything, I haven't told her about what happened with Katniss yet, but I think I'll tell her another time. She looked down at my hands and saw the dried blood on my knuckles.

"What'd you do to your hand?" She asked. I looked down.

"I uh...I was really pissed, I had to punch something" I confessed

"What happened?" I told her everything about what had just happened and how mad I am at the Capital and how I feel like they're controlling my life. "I'm so sorry, Gale. I can't even imagine what you're going through"

"Thank you, mom" We sat in silence for a while.

"Well, I think I'm gonna go to bed now. You should also get some sleep" my mom said

"Yeah, but I think I'm gonna go on a walk. I need some fresh air, you know?"

"Okay. Goodnight"

"Goodnight" She went up to her room. I went outside and started walking around the small town area. I thought about everything that's happened these past 2 weeks. The town was lit up only by the moon. As I walked I noticed another person walking in the opposite direction. As we neared each other I noticed it was Y/n.

"Y/n? Is that you?" I asked

"Yeah, is that Gale?" She says, 

"Yeah. What are doing out here this late?"

"Just collecting my thoughts. You?" her voice sounded like she was crying

"Same." I hugged her "What's wrong?" She sighed

"You know how people think that Peeta and I were a thing? Well, Snow said that the only other thing I can do is stop hanging out with Peeta. So I told him and well...I feel like I just lost my best friend"

"I'm so sorry. The same thing happened with Katniss and me" She grabbed my hand as we walked.

"Gale?" Y/n asked


"Do you mind if I sleep with you tonight?"

"No, of course, I don't mind. Wanna sleep at your house?"

"Yeah, sounds good" We made it back to her house and her mom was organizing some medicines -She and Katniss's mom used to work together as doctors, now when someone in our district needs medical help they go to either Katniss's house or Y/n's- We went up to her room, she changed into pajamas and I went back to my room through the window and changed. When I got back she was sitting on her bed drawing a design.

"That's nice," I said when I saw it

"Thank you. Designing things calms me." I tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear and kissed her neck, she smiled and kissed me back. We wrapped our arms around each other and talked.

"I just can't believe that that Capital even managed to take away my best friend. It's getting really old and annoying." Y/n said with her head laid on my chest.

"I know, it is. And it's not like we get to escape the cameras or the broadcasting anytime soon, they're gonna have to do photoshoots for you. You know? Because we're 'Getting married' And the Capital is gonna want to know all about our wedding and all the details, it's gonna be crazy"

"*sigh* Yeah, it will be. Sometimes I wonder: 'What if Effie trinket just moved her hand a little bit more and mine or your brothers' names didn't get called?' Like how hard would it have been? I just think about those things a lot, but then I come to reality and remember: 'This is the life I'm living now, and there's no turning back' "

"I do that too sometimes. But would we even be together if we didn't go into the games?"

"Maybe not. What would your rather have?"

"Anything as long as I have you as well" I didn't see, but I felt her smiling. She reached for my hand and I grabbed it and intertwined our fingers.

"Do you ever wonder if the hunger games will stop? Hasn't the Capital had enough of killing kids yet? It's almost been 75 years now, is it ever gonna end?"

"Knowing how messed up and sick the citizens are...I don't think they'll ever stop it."

"This year will be the 3rd Quarter Quell, that's insane. Haymitch won the 2nd Quarter Quell. I wonder what the twist this year will be."

"Yeah, probably something like no cornucopia for weapons and supplies or something like that."

"Yeah, but we'll be dragged back to the Capital to be mentors, it's will never end"

"But at least we won't have to go back into the games, right?"

"Yeah, we may not be living in complete peace, but at least when we go back to the Capital we won't have to worry about dying"

"Exactly, we're safe, that's what matters" We fell asleep a little bit later. These past 2 weeks have been crazy, but every day in those weeks, no matter what, at the end of the day I always have Y/n with me, and that's really all that matters to me.

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