DADA classes (part 18)

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Hadrian POV

When I had done my morning routine I went to the great hall and was surprised to see Gryffindor had 400 points less than they had yesterday. Then I sat down.

"Who did you catch out off bed?" I asked Snape.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean no one else would take 400 points away from Gryffindor."

"Henry and Ginevra. Then Ronald and Hermione not even 100 meters away." He said and it took me a second to realize what he meant.

"You saw both couples having sex?"

"Yes and it's a picture I will have my husband obliviate as soon as I see him." He said with a shudder. I made a sound of agreement.

"Severus I need you to give this letter to Tommy. It has instructions on when and how the attack will go." I whispered and gave him a letter under the table.

"Okay." Severus said and pocketed the letter. We ate and then I went to the DADA classroom preparing for my first class. I set all the desks along the wall and enlarged the classroom. Then I made the floor and walls foam. My first class was Slytherin and Gryffindor 5th year which just happened to be the class I would be in. Then I sat down along a wall waiting for the students to arrive. Students started slowly entering looking confused at how the classroom looked. When everyone were there I closed the door.

"What's up people. As you can see you don't have anywhere to sit. This is because we are going to have a practical class. Any questions so far?" I asked and someone rose their hand. "Yes Granger?"

"Why is the classroom foam?"

"Safety so no one gets hurt. There are some students who have a tendency to not listen and since we are now using wands I'm not risking it. Today you will be learning the Everte Statum charm. Can anyone tell me what that charm does?" I asked and multiple people raised their hands, but someone spoke up before I pointed at someone.

"The Everte Statum charm makes the victim of the charm stumble or fly backwards. It can also cause a sharp pain where the charm hit."

"5 points from Gryffindor for speaking without raising your hand Miss Granger. As you can see others raised their hands, but you ruined for them. Now the Everte Statum charm isn't that painful, but if your partner tells you to stop you listen. It wont hurt if you get thrown back because of the foam and don't point your wand at others except your partner. If I see anyone point their wand towards another pair I will take away point immediately. Now find a partner." I said and everyone went in pairs. In the end the pairs were. Theo and Daphne. Blaise and Neville. Draco and Mattheo. Millicent and Tracy. Crabbe and Goyle. Seamus and Dean. Ronald and Henry. Lavender and Parvati. Then finally Pansy and Hermione. The last pair wasn't very happy with their partner, but that's how it ended. Everyone stood beside each other and cast the spell. Someone didn't manage it, but there was a person flying into the wall sometimes. They didn't get hurt because of the foam though. After maybe 10 minutes I saw Henry and Ronald whispering to each other before Henry took up his wand.

"Confringo!" He shouted and made a z shape in the air towards Mattheo and the other Slytherin's. A fiery orange light erupted from his wand. Everyone had looked up since he shouted and gasped. The light was about to hit Mattheo so he covered his head as a reflex and waited. So when the hit never came he looked up.

"You know when you cast spells you don't need to shout it. That's not very discreet. Now 10 points from Gryffindor for trying to harm another student." I said and everyone looked at me shocked.

"10? He just tried to blow up Mattheo!" Neville said.

"Well his whole house doesn't have to suffer because of that. Oh and before I forget. Henry you can forget playing any more chess because you will spend every afternoon in detention for the rets of the year. That's just my punishment wait and see what profesor Snape will do when I inform him you tried to blow up his son. It's a shame your daddy isn't here t get you out of trouble this time. Class dismissed." I said and everyone left. However when Mattheo tried to leave I held onto his hand until everyone was gone. "You okay?"

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