The second task (part 8)

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Hadrian POV

Nothing special has been happening since the first task. I have been hanging with everyone and gone to school. There has been more to do since classes actually started and I'm happy it has. I'm at the top of all my classes and it's pissing Granger off. That's because I know the whole school curriculum. So in classes I just help the others or read. The teachers started stopping caring if I wasn't listening to what they were saying the first week since I always answered correctly if they asked me and I kept my grades up. To be honest most classes was boring, but at least it was something to get up for in the mornings. Barty disappeared after the first task like he promised and Barty Sr had been found by the golden trio while I was still with the dragons so they couldn't say it was me as he was seen during my task. DADA is now therefore teaches by James and Sirius. They give us no homework as they then would have to correct them and that's work. However they actually have some interesting classes. Like the class we had on werewolves. It was a little biased, but I got to tell them that wolfsbane was poisonous for werewolves and James of course said that wasn't true while Sirius paled. After that class Sirius cornered me and asked me some more questions about it and I told him the same I told Dora. That he would have to return to his pack to survive. Sirius left that conversation with a determined face. That was only a week ago, but I have noticed Sirius keeps more distance to Dumbledore and James and stays more with Jack and Dora. Anyway today is the second task and I'm currently at breakfast.

"Daphne have you seen Skylar?"

"No sorry Hades." She said so I took my phone out and looked for the tracker with Skylar's name. When I saw it I got furious.

"YOU PUT MY LITTLE SISTER AT THE BOTTOM OFF THE LAKE?!!" I shouted out and scared some of them.

"See headmaster I said it was a bad idea." Severus said.

"Who else are there?" I asked.

"Jackson, Cho Chang and Fleur's little sister."

"What Fleur's little sister is a Veela isn't she?" I asked.

"Yes why?" Severus asked.

"A Veela wont survive such a temperature. The black lake is way to cold for them and Fleur wont survive trying to get her."

"We put warming charms on them." Dumbledore assured.

"Have Fleur's parents allowed you to put their daughter down their? I mean it wouldn't do any good to piss of the minister of France now would it? Now come on we are moving the task forward or I'm at least getting my sister out of the stupid lake." I said and walked out. Everyone followed because they didn't want to miss the task. When we got there Ludo Bagman banged a gong and we started. Cedric made a bubble over his face so he could breath. Victor turned half his body into a shark. Fleur just looked conflicted because she knew she wouldn't survive the temperature, but she wanted to save her sister. When I had enough space I shifted into my night fury animagus and then cast a point me charm. I flew over the water until the point me charm pointed straight down. Then I dived into the water and swam. I saw Skylar and bit of the seaweed that held her there. Then I swam back up and flew her to shore. Mattheo was standing with a towel waiting for her. What he wasn't expecting was for me to give him Skylar and then take off again. I had probably used 10 minutes on getting Skylar. When I dived again I saw Fleur's little sister. However when I was about to grab her a merman blocked my path and pointed his pitchfork at me. I used my wing and pushed him aside before grabbing Fleur's little sister. Making sure she was secure before going back up and once again flying to shore. As soon as we got out of the water I cast a warming charm on her because her heart rate was really slow. However it was there.

"Gabrielle!!" Fleur shouted as I arrived. I slowly gave Gabrielle to Fleur an let go when I knew she held her. Then I landed and shifted back.

"Her heart rate is really slow, but she is alive. However she has to get warmed up now or that wont last long."

Hadrian PotterWhere stories live. Discover now