Studying and quidditch (part 11)

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Hadrian POV

There has been 3 weeks since the third task and everyone have been focusing on the upcoming exams. My group has been sitting in the library studying. Or the others have been studying I spend my time reading other things. Occasionally there are some younger students that come up to me and ask me a question. Victor and Jackson left with the other Durmstrang students the day after the third task. So the group was me, Mattheo, Skylar, Astoria, Daphne, Theo, Blaise, Draco, Pansy, Neville and Luna. Right now I'm reading a dark arts book I stole from Tommy, but it looks like a charms book. Just then I felt someone tap my shoulder. I checked what page I was on before closing my book. When I turned my head I saw a group of first years from all the houses.

"Hello. Can I help you with something?"

"We were wondering if you could help us with our work."

"What subject?"


"Go ask the albino boy he's good at potions." I said and pointed at Draco who clearly heard me by the glare he was sending me.

"First of all I'm not albino boy and your the best in all classes. Why don't you help them?"

"I don't know how to teach."

"You had the sex talk with the entire Slytherin house. That's teaching." Draco pointed out.

"Fine albino boy I'll do it since your incapable to do it."

"I'm not incapable. First years come over here and I will show you." He said and the first years went over to him. I smirked and opened my book again.

"Fucking snake." Mattheo whispered in my ear. "Uses his pride against him."

"Of course. What are you working on?"

"I'm doing the transfiguration essay. However I don't know what to start with."

"Let me see." I said and Mattheo gave me his essay. "Ahh the snake summons spell. Write the incantation and how to pronounce it. What type of spell it is. Hand movement. Which color the spell is. And what it does. After writing all that you should have the needed amount of inches." I said.

"Thanks" Mattheo said and kissed my cheek. I went back to my book and I got peace and quiet for 30 inmutes before the first years walked away.

"You tricked me." Draco accused.

"No I just said you were incapable of teaching and you wanted to prove me wrong." I said and Draco pouted.

"It's not fair you aren't even doing anything important."

"I'm reading."

"Exactly and I need to get done with a essay which is more important."

"What essay?"


"The exploding charm essay?"


"We got that last week you should know better than to do things the days before curfew."

"I know, but last week I had some other essays and I forgot to do this one." Draco said.

"Write the incantation and how to pronounce it. What type of spell it is. Hand movement. Which color the spell is. And what it does. After writing all that you should have the needed amount of inches." I said and Draco nodded. Just when I was about to go back to my book a group of 2 years came over. I saw everyone were writing essays and decided to try explain myself instead of pushing it on someone else like I usually did. "What subject?"

Hadrian PotterWhere stories live. Discover now