The first task (part 7)

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Hadrian POV

The champions had 3 weeks on preparing for the first task. Victor was constantly in the library together with Jackson who wanted to help him as much as possible since he didn't want him to die. Everyone had been asking if I had a plan for the first task and I confirmed I had one, but never said what it was. Right now we were sitting in the great hall the day before the first task.

"Hades I haven't seen you work on anything for the task. I mean Victor is always in the library and I have seen the two other champions there a lot to. So can you fucking tell me what you fucking plan is?" Mattheo said really frustrated. It had been like this the whole week. He might try to hide it, but he's really nervous about this and scared that I wont survive.

"Sweetheart can you please calm down and stop stabbing your already dead chicken?" I asked and he looked at his plate and saw that he had indeed stabbed the lifeless chicken to death.

"Why can't you just tell me what your plan is?"

"Because then it wouldn't be a surprise." I said as it was obvious.

"I don't want any surprises in this stupid tournament. Do you even know what the first task is?"

"Yes of course sweetheart. Now if you are done eating maybe we can go to the dorm and cuddle and that will help you relax?"

"Fine." He said and we went to our dorm and cuddled. Everyone else were there and we were talking. For just a few hours Mattheo managed to forget his worries. Then we all fell asleep in my dorm not really caring. We had gotten used that someone always fell asleep in our dorm. Skylar was the one falling asleep the most. However she had a bed now next to mine. The other's slept in a bunch of pillows, blankets and whatever the fuck these thingy's are called.

 The other's slept in a bunch of pillows, blankets and whatever the fuck these thingy's are called

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We had like 20 of them around here. That's more than we need, but we just thought it was good to have extra in case we broke one of them.

The next day everyone were back to whispering furiously. Victor looked really pale and Jackson had to force him to eat. I looked at the other champions and saw they were much the same.

"How are you so calm?" Victor suddenly blurted out as I took another fork with food into my mouth. I looked up at him and swallowed.

"I'm confident in my abilities." I said with a shrug.

"So you aren't even a little nervous that you might die?"

"Nah." I said. Then Dumbledore rose from his seat and told the champions it was time to go. I kissed Mattheo and told him not to worry. Then I kissed Skylar's forehead. When we got to the tent Ludo Bagman came into the room with his smile like always and with a bag in his hand.

"You will now pick out one of the miniature dragons from this bag. There is a number on each to decide who goes first. Of course you will meet the big version of your dragon out there." He said and stretched the bag out for Fleur.

Hadrian PotterWhere stories live. Discover now