Wizengamot and ball (part 12)

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Hadrian POV

Now it's the end of the year and we have had all off our OWL's. We have packed our bags and we're entering the train now.

"So are you guys going to the quidditch World Cup?" Draco asked.

"Yes Victor meant I had to watch him win. He even went as far as to say he would buy me the seats. However I said I would pay myself so I could chose the seats and he wouldn't know where I sit."

"Father has gotten seats for him and I in the minister box." Draco said.

"So is Skylar staying with you over break?" Daphne asked.

"She has to decide that, but she has to know that I'm not the parent type and I'm likely gong to be busy during break."

"Why what are you doing during break?"

"Well since I'm now emancipated and Lord to 5 houses there's a lot I need to do. I know the Potter's own this quidditch camp which I have to check out because it has been getting fewer guests lately. I assume this has something to do with management and stuff like that. So I have written myself up for the camp to see how they threat the guests."

"You own THE quidditch camp?"

"If we are thinking about the same one then yes. It also happens that the Bulgarian team is going to help at the camp this summer."

"Can you get us in?" Mattheo asked.

"You have to ask your parents first." I said.

"Of course."

"Then other than that I have to check up with the twins and then it's the quidditch World Cup. Wizengamot. Usually I'm just busy with the creatures when I'm at the manor."

"Can I visit sometimes even if I chose not to come with you?"

"That might be a bit hard since I'm supposed to disappear from the orders radar and your dad is a order member, but I'm sure I could fix that. Then I could sign you up for the camp if you want that. It last 2 weeks of the break and it's before the quidditch World Cup."

"Cool. Can I also watch the World Cup?"

"Aren't your family going?"

"Yes with the Weasley's, but they didn't buy a ticket for me so I'm staying home alone."

"Yeah of course then I can bring you."

"Thank you."

"No problem." I said and we kept up conversation. Bought candy and played some games all the way to the station. The aurors are staying in the compartment over ours. So just before we arrived at the station I shrunk my trunk. Nala and Midnight had been brought to the manor by Polly earlier. "I need to leave before James puts magic restraining cuffs on me again. I will see you sometime during break probably during the summer ball. Yeah I forgot asking, but where and when is that?"

"Next week at Daphne and Astoria's place." Draco said.

"You asked the twins to go with you yet?"

"No. I can't just do it over a stupid letter and they have been busy experimenting for their shop."

"Yes they have. They have dedicated a lot for the shop. I'm thinking to give them a little more money so they can employ someone. That way they can got to the quidditch World Cup and join us at the camp. Just be warned that the camp cost quite a lot. However that's something I'm planning to change. A lot of people wish to go there, but don't have the money for it. Now I will send you all letters and probably see you, but I need to leave now." I said and kissed the top of Skylar's head and kissed Mattheo.

Hadrian PotterWhere stories live. Discover now