Regulus Arcturus Black (part 9)

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Hadrian POV

When we got to the common room the quidditch team was sat at some tables. "Flint we need to have a house meeting right now." I said and he nodded and went to get everyone. He told the other prefects to do the same and within 10 minutes everyone except Snape was in the common room.

"What was so important Hades?" Flint asked.

"There are rules when people who don't belong in Slytherin enter right?"

"Yes why?" Flint asked again confused. I walked through the crowd so I was standing at a empty spot in the corner.

"Show yourself." I said and some people looked confused. Skylar was still gripping my hand and Mattheo was standing next to me. The other from the group was standing in a half circle around me. Then the person dropped their invisibility charm. I gasped at who was standing in front of me. Before shoving Matteo and Skylar behind me. "What do you want Reggie? You aren't welcome here."

"What do you mean can't a old friend come to visit?"

"Not you. You only ever show up when you need something so what the fuck do you want?"

"The light fury. The tamers were going to sell it to me so I could use it's skin, but someone stole it."

"Hades whose that?" Skylar asked quietly.

"That's Regulus Arcturus Black princess. He's a really dangerous person."

"Regulus Black died 7 years ago Hades." Draco said to be from where he stood.

"No the Regulus Black you know died 7 years ago. This monster took his place."

"Stop chit chatting Hades. You have something of mine and I want it back." He said and pointed his wand at me.

"You have tried this before Reggie. Last time you got the scar over your shoulder are you sure you wanna do this?"

"Last time you were alone." He said and pointed his wand at Draco without looking away from me.

"You know Narcissa would be ashamed of what you have become. Narcissa the only person who cared about you. Did you know she has talked about you a lot." I said as I slowly took a step forward. "She was talking about how she wished she did more to save you. She thinks you drowned & years ago. Did you know she found me about to kill myself 5 days after you death?" I asked as I continued walking forward. "She started crying because she said I looked like you. You faked your death and broke her heart just so you could continuing hunting creatures. I never had the heart to tell her I actually already knew you. To tell her her youngest cousin had lost himself completely and killed all he came over just for money." I continued and I saw he started to lose control off his emotions. Narcissa had been his only weakness ever therefore he had tried to get her completely out of his life so he didn't have any weaknesses. "She would never forgive you if you hurt her son and you know it. It's me you want why have that affect other. Not my sister, not Draco, it's me you want. It's I who have saved all the creatures you capture and ruined your business." I said and I was only a few feet away from him now. His wand hand was shaking and he was clutching it hard. Then he turned it and pointed it straight at me. It practically touched my chest. "Reggie have I ever told you that I'm heir Gryffindor?" I suddenly asked and he looked really confused.

"No what does that have to do with anything?"

"It means I can apparate from inside the school." I said and jumped at him and apparated us to Malfoy manor. Not sure why I chose Malfoy manor, but I knew I had to get him away from the students and the death eaters could probably help.

"No. No!" He shouted as he saw where he was. He had lost his wand when we apparated and I saw he was about to take it so I jumped and took it before him. Then I put on him magic restraining cuffs. He got to his feet and was about to run away. I levitated him in the air. "Let me go!" He shouted and wriggled.

Hadrian PotterWhere stories live. Discover now