Chapter 6 - The Wise and the Seaweed. The Wise Seaweed?

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I rubbed my temples as I stepped out of the cabin. These Hermes kids sure know how to party hard. I wonder how the entire camp didn't hear the loud music nor see the blinding lights from the cabin last night. Guess they work some magic or something in their cabin so that no one outside would hear or see them partying. 

I looked back inside the cabin. It was a huge mess. It was as if a huge tornado swept all over the place. Food wrappers, pillows, and blankets scattered everywhere. Some party decorations hung loosely from the ceiling and the walls while some were torn into pieces. Most of the campers were sleeping on the floor. A few were on their bunks but I doubt they were any better than those on the floor. It was either only half their body is on the bed or they were a centimeter away from falling to the floor or to a camper sleeping on the floor.

I remembered a girl knocking at the cabin door early in the morning. I was the only one who was able to wake up because all of the Hermes kids slept like they were in a coma. It took me minutes to cross the sea of sleeping campers and move a couple of campers sleeping on the floor beside the door before I managed to pry open the door. 

I was greeted with curly golden blonde hair and a pair of unnerving stormy gray eyes. She reminded me of some strict Math teacher I had way back then. She looked at me like she was studying a peculiar specimen or solving a physics problem. It sent quite a shiver on my spine and instantly I felt self-conscious. I wanted to slam the door close and find a mirror to see if my hair was like it was struck with lightning or I had something undesirable on my face. Luckily, the messy cabin caught her attention and gave me a second to breathe and calm myself.

"Hermes kids...I wonder if I should ask Chiron for a surprise cabin inspection." She turned back to me."I hope their messiness don't rub on you, hoping you're not a child of Hermes too."

I shrugged. "Don't worry. I wasn't raised like that. They don't like the house to be dirty even a bit. They will kill me if they spotted even the tiniest of bread crumb in the kitchen."

She nodded. "That's good to hear." She handed a pile of orange Camp Half-Blood t-shirts. "Wear them. It will be like your camp uniform. It will help the other campers know which camp are you from especially now that the Romans are here to visit."

"Romans?" I asked.

"Roman demigods. There are two kinds of demigods. The Greeks and the Romans. This is because the gods have two aspects: Greek and Roman. Like Zeus, the king of gods. His Greek aspect is Zeus. His Roman, Jupiter. Hera is Juno. Poseidon is Neptune. Hades, Pluto and so on. Anyway, you can differentiate the two groups with their camp shirts. The Greek demigods wear orange camp shirts saying Camp Half-Blood while the Romans wear purple shirts saying Camp Jupiter. That's their camp anyway."

"Oh yeah. Chiron, the activities director is requesting you to see him at the Big House. It's just over there beside the strawberry fields. Guess you'll going to have your orientation."

"Ummm...okay. Thanks." I smiled. 

She nodded and walked off without a word. As soon as she went out of sight, I let my tense body relax and wait to steady my breathing. Damn. I felt I was melting and evaporating out of sight. That girl was very unnerving especially those eyes of hers. Who was she anyway? I hauled myself up and went back to the cabin to take bath.

Argh! Remembering that girl made my head ache more. I looked around. Most of the camp was still asleep. Only a handful were out and milling around. I looked off the distance and saw the Big House. I adjusted my sword belt and walked toward the Big House.

As I got closer, I saw the familiar half-human, half-horse activities director on the porch of the Big House. I gave a hesitant smile as I approached him. I looked up at him and wondered Is he rideable? 

He coughed at his fist and spoke up."As always, we will start with a brief introduction about each another. I know you already know but again, I'm Chiron, the activities director of Camp Half-Blood. And you are, young lady?"

"Christine Galliardo ummm...Sir Chiron."

"Chiron will do." 

I nodded.

"Christine, as activities director, I welcome you to Camp Half-Blood. Here, you will learn the ways of the famous and powerful heroes in the olden times and be trained to be one. There are lots to be learned but first, let's start with the basics. And that is, knowing the camp. Come. I will introduce you to your guide." 

He trotted off and I followed close at the side. Honestly, horses kick hard though I never experienced getting kicked by a horse. Of course, I DON'T want to experience that especially with a hybrid one. That's why I'm trying to keep a close and safe distance possible. We walked toward the cabins. Chiron called out the same girl who knocked to the Hermes cabin earlier in the morning. She walked toward us with a guy with jet black hair and sea green eyes who seemed familiar. Perhaps I've seen him somewhere.

"Annabeth, this is Christine. Christine, Annabeth. I hope you already got acquainted earlier in the morning. She is the counselor of the Athena cabin. She will be your guide. And of course, Christine meet Percy. He is the counselor of the Poseidon cabin."

"Hi. Nice to meet you." Annabeth said and we shook hands. The same goes with Percy.

"Now, Annabeth, I'm handing the responsibility in looking after Christine to you. Teach her all necessary things she needed to learn about camp, alright?"

"Understood, Chiron." 

Chiron nodded. "If you have any question, don't hesitate to ask Annabeth. She's highly reliable." 

I nodded. 

"Now, if you will excuse me, I have to prepare for my class. I will leave you for now." He trotted away.

"Looks like you got a job to do, Wise Girl. Want me to help?" Percy asked

"And end us up in canoeing all day? Nah. Just play with Jason. Besides, this will not be a tough job. Don't worry."

"There's never a tough job for you, Annabeth. Well, except for that quest under Rome to retrieve the Athena Parthenos a few months ago. You were almost got by-who was that spider lady again? Acne?"

"Arachne." Annabeth rolled her eyes.

"Acne. Arachne. But the point is you really hate spiders and-"

"Percy, I'm going to drown you if you don't shut your mouth." Annabeth glared.

Percy raised his hands. "Hey. I'm a Poseidon kid. I can't drown."

"Right. Then, I will just ask Frank to turn into a giant eagle and carry you in the air.

"Whoa! Whoa! Stop there!" Percy made a time out sign. "You know I can't stay in the air. You know that Zeus will zap me into a crispy Percy if I try to enter his domain."

"So, just do me a favor and play with Jason. I can handle this."


Annabeth cut him off with a kiss. Percy stood there dumbfounded after Annabeth broke the kiss.

"Now, go, Seaweed Brain. I will see you at breakfast." Annabeth turned him around and pushed him gently. Percy walked off like in a trance. 

Annabeth turned her attention to me."Sorry for that." She apologized.

"It's alright. But I'm worried about him." I pointed at Percy. "Will he be alright?" 

Annabeth waved her hand dismissively. "Don't worry. He will come back to his senses soon. Sometimes, it's really hard to stop him talking. Besides, we haven't yet started the tour. Let's start so that we'll finished right in time for breakfast. Come." 

We started walking and Annabeth started her tour guiding.

Hello again! Sorry if there are instances that I don't get the characters' personalities. Also, sorry for the long wait for updates. I will try my best to provide long chapters as compensation. Anyway, thank you for all the support. Suggestions are welcome. I don't still have any ideas for her powers as a goddess. Thank you and sorry.

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