my sweet first love chapter { 25 }

Start from the beginning

" yeah, your right mom. " taehyung said and hugged Mrs Kim.

" it's totally fine, but where is the ring? " Mrs Kim asked in excitement.

" oh! Yeah! here you go. " taehyung said and showed the ring to them.

[ the ring ]

" OMG taehyung! Your choice is hilarious! " Lisa commented

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" OMG taehyung! Your choice is hilarious! " Lisa commented.

" yeah! It's beautiful! " Mrs Kim said happily.

" really!? " taehyung asked while blushing.

" yeah, but just waiting for my grandchildren. " Mrs Kim said with a sweet smile.

" but mom, how are you so sure about that? I mean..jimin is a male so I don't think he can carry a baby in his womb. " Lisa stated.

" he can " Mrs Kim said proudly.

" but how mom? " taehyung asked.

" actually a few days ago, he was a little sick and you guys where in your office and I don't wanted to disturb you so I took him to the hospital, then.... "

" is he will be okay after taking these medicines? " Mrs Kim asked to the doctor.

" yeah, but is he your son? " the doctor asked

" no, but yeah he is like my son. My dearest son. " Mrs Kim stated.

" so you must know about him " doctor said.

" know what? " Mrs Kim asked confusedly.

" that..he is not an normal male. " doctor said.

" what do you mean by that? " Mrs Kim asked confusedly.

" I mean, he is an male with female hormones. " the doctor said making Mrs Kim to choke in the air.

" what!!? " Mrs Kim asked unbelievably.

" yeah Mrs Kim I'm telling the truth, I was also shocked because it's the first case I got like this. But in technically it's true I know about it. It must be shocking or unexpec-" doctor was cut buy Mrs Kim.

" woo-hoo! I'm very very very happy! Doctor Lee, listen to me carefully. You must have to handle this case for my son. " Mrs Kim said happily.

" but ho-"

" no questions! Just be happy too because I'm going to fix his marriage with my son taehyung! And you have to join in the wedding too! " Mrs Kim said happily.

" but do they love each other? " doctor asked.

" don't worry about that! Because I know jimin also loves taehyung back that's it! " Mrs Kim stated.

" then congrats for your upcoming grandchildren " doctor said happily.

" Oo thank you so much!! "

" that's it " Mrs Kim stopped.

" that meanssssss~~ taehyunggggg~~
a girl and a boyyyyy " Lisa teased.

" God! Shut up Lisa!! " taehyung said shyly.

" oh! Stop teasing him Lisa...tae go and wear something good...umm what about I choose one for you? " Mrs Kim asked.

" yes of course mom " taehyung said happily.

" then let's go " Mrs Kim said while approaching tae.

" yeah then, I will go and help jimin " Lisa said.

" yeah that would be great " Mrs Kim said.

" thanks to you both. " taehyung said happily.

" no need taehyung, it's all for you pabo. " Lisa said with a beautiful smile.

" yeah baby, now let's go don't be late on your first date. " Mrs Kim said and everyone went from there.

( so I'm done guys, please vote, commente and follow please.

Next chapter would be amazing.
Please read and don't forget to vote.

And if you guys have any questions so please ask without any problems. I will always answer you guys back.

Sorry for the late updates. Because I was a little sick. 🤧

Then see you soon. Bye bye my loveees ♥ )

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