Chapter 2

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For my sister, please read this

Sorry for the big time skip between chatpers 1 and 2! I guess it would be kind of boring to have a whole chapter on training...

It had been about a moon since Cranepaw was appointed Sunspirit's apprentice and apparently, Cranepaw was one of the best apprentices there was in Thunderclan. She enjoyed hunting with her littermates and even comparing herself to the other young warriors. Cranepaw was quite popular in Thunderclan after bringing back a crow on only her second hunting trip.

On one particular day in greenleaf, when the prey was ample and there was no drama in any clans, Cranepaw overheard a meeting with Redstar, Aldercoat and Sunspirit.

"She's going so well on her training... honestly, it would be suitable for her to have her warrior assessment in three or four moons!" Sunspririt told Redstar.

"Yes. That one's special... I wonder who her parents are. Do you have any updates, Aldercoat?" Redstar looked expectantly at Aldercoat.

"Yes, yes, I do, Redstar. Last night, Starclan sent me a dream. Cranepaw... Cranepaw is a very powerful cat. if we keep her on our side, she could potentially save not only Thunderclan, but all clans. Why don't we go to a more private spot to discuss this." Aldercoat flicked his tail and started walking and the others followed silently.

Cranepaw did not follow them, though. Instead, she walked straight through the forest, snuck through other clan territories and travelled straight to the Moonpool.

"Why did you choose me?" She asked as soon as her nose touched the cold water.

She was no longer at the Moonpool, instead, she was in an unknown part of the forest, with another cat.

"Larchpaw?" Cranepaw's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Yes. It is me. Why did you come tonight?" he asked, dipping his head in respect. Cranepaw tried not to lose herself in Larchpaw's beautiful blue eyes that glistened in the moonlight.

"I came to ask.. why did you choose me? How could I save the clans? Who am I?" Cranepaw answered finally.

"There are many things you do not know about your history. Tonight, I will share some of it. Look carefully..."

And with that, Larchpaw disappeared. Cranepaw was left all alone in the forest by herself. And then, she heard a loud yowl. Cranepaw ran toward the sound to see a fluffy she cat surrounded by dark warriors, whose fur was covered in blood and claws were unsheathed.

Cranepaw wanted to run and help the poor cat, but her legs were as cold as ice. The only thing she could do was spectate and hope for the best.

"Run!" The she cat yowled. At first, Cranepaw didn't know who she was shouting at. Then, the she cat's tail lifted up and three kits scattered into the forest without looking back. Their tails were straight in the air and they were quick on their feet.

The queen then closed her eyes as if praying to Starclan and then growled. Cranepaw knew what was going to happen before it happened. All of the dark cats attacked her with battle moves Cranepaw had never seen before. Cranepaw tried to pick up some of them, because she might need that knowledge later on. The queen fought bravely, each of her sharp blows obviously injuring the enemy severely, but one was no match for a whole pack of cats.

She watched, feeling hopeless, as the leader of the pack of dark cats flicked its tail, running away from the battle scene and the other cats followed, leading a beaten up she cat struggling for life.

"Take care... of my kits. Let them... fulfill the destiny that was supposed to be mine." She whispered, looking up at the night sky. Cranepaw didn't want this cat to die. Not after how hard she'd battled and how much faith she had in her kits.

Cranepaw's whiskers and tail drooped when the she cat's body went limp. Her eyes remained open, gazing up at the beautiful sky that reflected on them. The stars glistened and sparkled, like diamonds and the sky was a brilliant bruise-purple. The wind howled ominously as Cranepaw stared at the poor she cat. She'd only been trying to take care of her kits. She hadn't even meant any harm. But the heartless dark cats had attacked her. And now she wanted revenge.

"Why did you show me that? How is that connected to my history?" Cranepaw asked Larchpaw, who'd appeared in front of her moments later.

"Don't you remember? Cranepaw, that was your mother. You just witnessed her love for you. She did not abandon you, she had to give you up and she was very heartbroken when she did." Larchpaw told Cranepaw gently.

Cranepaw's eyes widened. "What about my father?" She asked quietly.

"He thinks that you are still dead." Larchpaw simply answered.

"Wait... is he still alive? Where is he?!" Cranepaw asked, getting excited.

"Cranepaw, you will save Thunderclan and fulfill the destiny your mother was given. Her death was unexpected, because those dark cats had hidden it from Starclan. They are more powerful than you think... Train hard with their moves so you know their ways. It's important to know your enemies weaknesses. Train hard..." Larchpaw said.

Then, everything faded away.

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