Chapter 7

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 Oaklee's Pov

It's currently two o'clock, nearly three and I'm still not home. I hate being out this late and especially when my girl hates this city. It's easy to tell. I felt bad for having her move out here with me, but I wouldn't do it if it wouldn't benefit her even more. I'm stuck here on campus at the baseball field, where the boys have their "traditional" pre game stake out. Trust me, I don't know either. Apparently, it's where they camp out on the field till 6 am, then they go home and nap? I don't know if that's what they do after, but all I know is that I'll have to meet them back here at 9. I guess I'm stuck here... oh and I forgot to mention, Phones are prohibited at events like this? I don't even know what this is.

An hour later...

I'm in my own corner and my thoughts drown me. I miss her. I hope she misses me. Our relationship doesn't feel the same anymore and I mean it in the best way possible. It's evolved in many different ways, just like how other relationships do. It's just not the epic spark we had before like in high school, and I understand we're in college now, but I just wished we saw each other more often. I barely get to see her. I miss her touch, her laugh, the way she'll look at me when she's laying down on my chest, the way she kisses me... our lips connect like the missing piece of a puzzle... God this is so sappy, but I love her. I hope she still loves me. I really do, because I do even though I don't see her that often. I miss her hugs and her scent. God, her scent is the best. It's a flowery scent. A mix of jasmine, rose and kind of citricy. Her eyes... God her eyes. I want my child to have her eyes. The color of coffee beans glimmering in the sun. Whenever I drink coffee, I think of her. She's constantly on my mind. All I think about 24/7 and of course baseball, but mostly her. I would do anything for her. If I needed to give up New York, I would. I'm giving her time to adjust, but if it doesn't workout I would go wherever she goes. I'll chase her like a lost puppy if I need to. She is my life and all I got. I need her. I crave her. Every second of the day, it's her. Just her. I'm going to marry her one day. Not now... life is too chaotic and... weird? Distant is probably better in this case. I know she feels it. I feel it occasionally. I hope we get through this stage in our life and move on. For now, I'll just give her time and hopefully work this out.

It's been an hour. Just an hour has passed and I feel exhausted. I wanna be in my soft, warm comforters that lay on my bed...and mostly, I wanna be with her. Annalise will be my top priority after baseball season is over... believe me I want her to be my top priority, but with schedule being this tight, I can't. And I wished I could be with her, love her, please her, make her feel wanted, needed, but I can't. I physically can't. I do send her and leave her stuff, but that's not enough. I need to be there, and I will. But for now, I need to be here at this stupid thing. 

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