Chapter 5

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Today is the day. Moving day. New York, here I come. I talked to my counselor and she decided to contact NYU and made a small slot for me. I will start in three weeks over there, so by the time we're done unpacking I'll be ready. I know I didn't want it like that because Oaklee said something like this, but I'm transferring so I'm guessing it's not the same but it kinda is. Lee is being very pushy and bitchy about everything. We shipped everything a week before going, and now hopefully our apartment will be unpacked when we get there. All we're going to need is our clothing and that will come with us on the plane. "ANNALISE HURRY UP WE DON'T HAVE ALL DAY NOW" an angry Oaklee yelled from the balcony. I'm going to miss that view. It was calming and relaxing. Our new apartment has a similar view, but it's not going to be the same. We won't have a big balcony like this one which is something I'm going to miss also. I push my last final things into my bag and walk out the room. "You're not missing anything?" "Nope got everything here" I walk towards him entering the balcony and taking in this last view. The smell of the air is mixed with rain and pollution, the sun is rising and showing a light yellow and orange color amongst the buildings. I take a deep breath in and say "imma miss this, Michigan, this view, the memories..." I turn towards him and I finally see him deep in his thoughts. For once it isn't me. "Me too... I'm going to miss it. I'm sorry lisie. I shouldn't have taken it." He turned confessing towards me. I look at him confused and before I could open my mouth to add in something he interrupts me "Don't. It's fine I promise, we'll have fun there and I know, I wanted this..." Took the words out of my mouth "You wanted this..." I repeated as I take one last look out to the city and grab his hand. We walk towards the front door, looking at our empty apartment. We shared one last kiss here before taking off. "To new memories" Oaklee put his forehead on mine

"To new memories" I repeat...

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