Chapter 34 - Enter the Cyn'Taak

Start from the beginning

"Drop your weapon and I'll see to it that no harm will come to your...two females." Apolloni churned, placing deliberate emphasis on the last two words. Her eyes filled with hate as she stared into Link's, awaiting his ultimate decision.

Link simply twisted the sword lightly into her neck, sending stinging pain down her throat. "I think not Apolloni. Your women release them first. Then we'll talk." Link pressed calmly.

She was furious but at a signal, the other women backed down from Malon. Lorva helped Zelda back onto her feet as they looked on to see what Link would do. Malon breathed a sigh of relief but continued to hold her spear at the ready. She did not trust these Gerudo. At length, he withdrew the sword, allowing Apolloni to feel her prick of a wound. Spiteful rage was evident in her eyes, but Link cared less what she thought of him.

It was clear Apolloni was considering another assault when a quick splash from the water near them alerted the group to the rustling in the trees. The Gerudo's eyes got wider as the crackling of branches grew louder. She hastily ordered the entire group to dive into the nearby shrubbery to hide. Zelda leaped into the closest scrub along with Malon and Merin. Link dove into the larger bush with the other three Gerudo.

Within moments, the shaking of the branches stopped just above their heads. Two pairs of scaly feet slammed to the ground within inches of their faces. Looking out through the brush, they saw two hulking beasts unlike any they had ever seen. The most notable feature beyond their slick sheen of greenish-blue scales was their scorpion-like tail. It's piercing barb casually shifting back and forth across the moss covered ground. Along the length of their spines was a matted mane of red fur that hung over their sides haphazardly, trailing up over their hunchbacked shoulders down onto their heads. They had rows of razor sharp teeth jutting out at awkward angles from their crocodile-like snouts.

"Wat 'ave we 'ere? Som' tas'y mors'l?" Its deep voice boomed out, jolting the group at its surprising vibrato. The creature would have sounded so ridiculous if it wasn't so deadly looking. None dared laugh at its ludicrous voice. The hulking creature grasped the limp body in its massive, clawed fists. Link could see that the corpse was a Zora. He hadn't even noticed the body lying by the edge of the water during their heated argument.

"Ey ya! 'Ou 'et me 'ave som' too!" The second creature snarled at its partner. A raging war erupted between the two behemoths as they began to yank on the cadaver, each wanting their fair share of the meat. With a roaring cry, the Zora was ripped in two with a sickening splatter. Brownish blood spurted across the ground as unidentifiable flesh and viscera flew in multiple directions.

"Wat 'ou do 'at f'r?" The left one snapped, viscid saliva dribbling over its gaping maw, its tail rigid and poised to strike the offender of its meal.

"I solv' 'ur prob'm! 'Ow we 'ave two 'ieces!" The right beast laughed; an odd, guttural, belching sound that resonated deep within its throat. It was almost disgusting to listen to.

Apparently satisfied with that answer, both creatures ripped into their halves of the carcass; rending flesh from bone and sinew as they gulped down portions of the Zora in whole pieces. Strips of dangling flesh hung loose about their jowls, looking at the blood slathered over their faces as they relished their fresh meal, Zelda began to feel nauseous but couldn't bring herself to look away. Everyone was deathly still, making every possible effort to remain quiet. Every muscle in their bodies began to feel sore at the tension coursing through them; so rigid they were, lying flush on the damp ground, the moisture soaking their clothes.

The crunching of bone was what set Malon off finally. A low whimper escaped her lips before Merin immediately slapped an arm over her mouth. Link's gaze flicked over to her as Merin tried to force the girl to remain calm. It was too late, the beast nearest to their shrub had ceased twitching its deadly tail. Cradling the rest of its meat in one hand, it raised its snout into the air sniffing heavily. The other creature stopped munching on the remainder of the spine as it noticed its partner's reaction.

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