Meeting the monster

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"Move this way (name), do anything risky and we shoot." You were harshly instructed as you were pushed to move forwards towards A man in a white lab coat, decked out in some kind of protective gear, jeez, for a science nerd this guy seemed to be downright odd. I mean, really? What's this thing going to do, kill you? The man stepped forward, he had dark brown hair and a sort of pale blue eyes, he generally looked rather thin but also had somewhat of a muscular build to himself, but he wasn't a looker, he was just another damn person who ordered you around to you. You were a criminal, not a little school student who would be casually told to do this and that and then let free, you would be shot if you did something wrong....or whatever termination meant. Somehow you didn't want to know, for all you cared it was not what you wanted at all, so you wouldn't be doing any shit around here. The man stepped forward and smiled sadly before reaching out his hand. "It's nice to meet you, D-1250, but I know that your (name)." You paused for a moment and then carefully reached forward to shake his hand. "Yeah. Hi. " You said quickly, huh, a humane handshake in this place, now that's a riot. Well, the opposite of a riot but still, it's not what you expected. "Welcome to the SCP foundation, my name is Dr.Ashton, but you can just call me Paul for now." You blinked in confusion for a second, a high up sort of guy just giving out his name like it's thanksgiving? That wasn't normal, but whatever, just do what he damn says and you won't get shot, that was your only objective here at all, just do what you're told and you get out free at the end of all of this. "Sure thing Paul, so what's the deal?" You said casually, making sure not to be too casual though, after all, there was a firing squad right around you. He gave you another soft, almost pitiful smile. What was with all this pity? This was pathetic, just get the job over with and quit trying to make things happy. Paul stepped forwards, and then pointed to a hallway that led down to a chamber. "In there is scp-096, you will be instructed to go into it's chamber and attempt to interact without looking at it's face. Is this clear?" You nodded and looked towards the hallway for a moment, and when you looked back, Paul was holding a camera and headset. "We need to get you equipped first, this way we can see you and instruct you from inside." He explained and then the Armed team backed up as you started to put on the devices. It was all kind of tight and weird, but it seemed to work just fine. "huh, nifty." You commented as you put on the headset. "We will be giving you an a good meal when you get out." He grinned, and now the real trial began.

"I just keep going forward?" "Yes." Paul replied as you walked down the hall to a room labeled. "Scp-096, class Euclid......shit, that looks scary." You mumbled, not expecting a reply from the man on the other side. "Don't worry, he's a nice guy, we just call him...shy guy. Just don't look at his face and you'll be fine." Paul laughed, but there was that damn tone....that damn weird tone. It was like pure pitty, as if you were walking into a death hated it. You said nothing as you walked right up to the door and stared at it. "Okay....just open this thing." You ordered calmly and then watched as a door locked behind you, and you jumped. "Wait, what the hell?!" You yelled into the microphone, but there was no response. Holy shit you.....were you set up? "PAUL! PAUL! ANSWER ME, FUCK YOU!" You heard a deep moan from the room ahead, and slowly..the door slid open. "I'm sorry (name), I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry." Paul's voice echoed through the headset as you found yourself staring at the back of an odd creature....the shy guy. "Just don't look at his face, don't look at his face and you live." You were in a panic, terrified, this fucker wasn't human, but....something about him was familiar. But screw it, you were probably going to die, there must have been a reason why they slammed the door behind you, that had to be it, you were fucked, dead, gone. "Hey, you, thing." You started to walk up to it, Fuck it, you were going to die, why were you even still trying? This was it, you were done for. It let out a moan and you paused. "It-it doesn't do that-shit-what are you!?" Paul's voice suddenly came through the headset, and you nearly threw it off. "SHUT UP, YOU SET ME UP!" You screamed into the headset, causing the creature to moan again. "And you! I don't know what you are but just kill me already!" You spat and started to storm up towards it, screw it, time to die. "(name) STOP! Please...please stop, we can extract you...please.." Paul begged through the headset, with that you ripped it off. "Too bad Dr.Ashton. You set me up, now you lose me..." You were almost crying slightly, you werent afraid of death anymore, you were going to die anyways, so screw it, just end it. You looked at the creature as you got closer and closer. "Come on end me." You growled, and that's when it happened. It turned it's head and looked you right in the eyes. Dr.Ashton was screaming through the headset, he was about to lose someone that could have been good, but this was it. "Come on shy guy, give me your best shot." You looked right into it's eyes....and it felt like deja vu, it felt like you knew this thing, you just.....its's eyes. It rose up, it screamed, you stood there.

You closed your eyes and waited for the end, it felt like an eternity before you heard a footstep...but nothing happened. You opened your eyes, and there it was....looking right at you, bent over and reaching out for you. "Wh-wait what...?" You stuttered, it was reaching out for your hand...why? Why was it doing that? What was this? What was going on? It was...crying. Tears were coming from it's eyes, it was looking right at you, it was....just right there, it wasn't killing you. You reached out and touched it's hand, and it didn't even react, it just looked at you. "...Hi." Was all you said, but then you added in one last thing. "....I feel like I know you." It was then that you felt a gunshot hit your shoulder and the shy guy screamed out, the last thing you heard was screams of agony and a containment protocol going into effect.

//writer note: I have a legit storyline for this now, so stay tuned, yall gon get rekt /

Facing the shy guy (scp-096 x reader)(OLD WRITING)Where stories live. Discover now