Chapter 1 The Simplest of Souls

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Do you truly believe humanity stands a fraction of a chance? Politics may say they are United, but the nations of Remnant are scattered, broken, just as the moon.

. . . All it takes to rid the world of hatred is a kind heart.

What game are you playing. . .? Look around you, you can't possibly see any light amidst this stretch of darkness.

. . . All it takes to rid the world of darkness is a small light.

Why must you refuse to see reason?! I created you! You are meant to bend to my will! You are meant to be MY weapon, to show the world TRUE DESPAIR!

. . . And all it will take to rid this world of despair, are the simplest of souls and their boundless hope.


In the dead of night, a cloaked woman ventured through the forests sprawled across the nation of Vale

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In the dead of night, a cloaked woman ventured through the forests sprawled across the nation of Vale. The shattered moon in the sky shined its broken light upon her, brightening with each step she took. By the time she reached a clearing, a beacon of light brilliantly illuminated the bundle of joy resting in her arms. The autumnal wind began its descent upon her, dying leaves pressing against the edges of her cloak. They grasped and grasped, but there was no stopping her. The light protected her and her son.

Before them was a house, pearl white walls with deep auburn, oak framing. Emerald greens scaled the wood, adding nature's touch to the humble and sleeping home. The light never left the woman as she gently placed her child upon the stone path ahead of the entrance.

Midnight hit. The light never left the baby boy as she walked away.

. . . She'd care for you better than I ever could. Goodbye, Moon. . . .


The wails of a baby girl, no older than two months, echoed across through the household, reverberating off walls and into the various bedrooms. The mother awoke, exhaustion wasting no time in taking ahold of her.

In a matter of moments, Ruby Rose had returned to a deep slumber within her crib. The sun was rising, the orange hues of dawn on the horizon. Her deep breath of admiration quickly faded into a sigh of frustration. The wails of a newborn had returned with a vengeance. It wasn't until she stepped into her daughter's room and saw her soundly asleep that she realized the cries were coming from outside her home. Without further ado. . . she snatched her white cloak from its rack and ran outside.

The wails stopped instantly. The first thing Moon Lumos would ever see with his amethyst violet eyes was his mother's smile.

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