Chapter 25 - Not again!

Start from the beginning

"That's not good, Sierra." Demi said.

"I know." I looked down.

"Keep going."

"This one is from when I started thinking of my biological parents again."

"This one is from when Alexandria was hitting Emily and I didn't want her to hurt Emily, so I cut to take my mind off of it."

I points to the next one.

"I did this one because I got scared when Demi told me she's not going to be taking care of Emily as much. She's going to be more my responsibility."

I point to the next one.

"This one's from when I caught my best friend making out with the guy I have a crush on."

I pointed to the last one.

"The last one's just something pretty stupid. I saw a piece of a broken beer bottle and wanted to see if it would hurt if I cut myself with is. It did."

"You did a very good job Sierra, but I'm going to put you on depression pills."

I watched as he ordered them.

After the appointment Demi and I went to pick them up at the Dillon's drive through, then we drove home and went to take a nap on the couch.


I couldn't take this anymore. People were still being rude, still calling me fat. I don't know what to do.

I ran into the kitchen, got the ibuprofen out of the cabinet and took every single one.

My vision started to blur and I started to feel dizzy. Before I knew it and had blacked out and fell to the floor.

Demi's POV:

I finally got off of work. I had to stay five hours late at the studio today.

I started to get a feeling that something wasn't wrote as I was driving home.

I finally got home, unlocked the door, and went inside. By now, it was already 1:00 a.m.

It was really quiet and I didn't know where Sierra was.

I started looking for her and finally found her in the kitchen, lying cold on the hard wood floor.

"Sierra!" I said as I fell to the floor on my knees.

I finally calmed myself down, took my phone out of my back jeans pocket, and called 911.

The cops came and were connecting her to all of these wires.

I was so scared for her. I didn't want to lose her.


Well, she lived.

I decided that it would be best to call Dr. Ridge, tell him what happened, and ask him to come down to the hospital. So, I did that.
They put her in her own private room, thankfully.

I sat down on the end of her bed so we could talk. I was really disappointed in her and angry, and to be honest all I wanted to do was yell at her. I had to try to talk to her in a polite manner through. She already tried to kill herself.

Moments later, someone started knocking on the door. I figured it was Dr. Ridge, so I got up and let him in.

"Hey, thanks so much for coming."

All of a sudden Sierra eyes opened ry wide and she seemed really mad.

"You called Dr. Ridge? You called Dr. Ridge. You've got be kidding me. Why would you do that? I don't need him. Tell him to leave! NOW!!!"

"Sierra, I'm not going to do that."

"Ugh!!! I hate you!!!"

"I'm sure you do. Right now I'm not to fond of you."

"Ugh. I want him to leave now."

"Sierra! You went and overdoes on ibuprofen. I'm not telling him to leave! Right now you need him. No, I'm glad you're doing ok and you lived. I really am, but no more being rude to him. Please."

She got really quiet.

"Is it alright if I speak to Sierra alone?"

"Yeah, I think that's a good idea."

I left the room.

Dr. Ridge's POV:

I sat not the edge of the bed and began taking to her.

"Sierra, you made a mistake. Everyone makes mistakes. This mistake could've killed you though."

"I wanted it too."

I just looked at her in shock, even though deep down I knew that that's what she was aiming for.

"Sierra, you don't really want that. Do you?"

"Sometimes I do."

"Oh, sweetie. Please don't do that to yourself."

"You don't understand. Ok? It just got be to much."

I looked her deep in the eyes and said "Sierra, don't ever try to do this again. Please. If you can't do it for me, do it for Demi and for God. You can't. You shouldn't do this to yourself anymore."

I walked out of to room and went up to Demi who was waiting in the waiting room and said "meeting with her at 10:00 a.m.

She just stared at me and said "ok" and walked back into the room.

Demi's POV:

I am very angry at her for overdosing. She could've killed herself. Though I know that's what she wanted. I walked in there and said "you're grounded for six months!"

"What?" Sierra responded.

Thanks for reading!

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Bre5SOSrocks Thanks for the idea!

Have a great day! :)

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