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This inspired this chapter. I got it bad for the leader in blue XD. This is part of the storyline in my book. Spoiler: Leo will realize his feelings, but he won't get a chance to tell her until after Karai enters the picture. We may even hear more about Akari's mother.

It's another day for the ninja teens. Akari was training with Raph while Leo was mediating. Donnie was in his lab and Mikey was watching TV. Leo was having a hard time with mediating, and he didn't know why. He never had problems with mediating in the dojo while his brothers were training. He opens his eyes and saw Akari was twirling her tantos around as Raph charges at her. Akari turns last minute, and it caused the red-clad turtle to crash in the wall. The leader in blue lets out a breath he didn't know he was holding. Akari helps Raph up as the turtle spoke, "You are getting better in letting the opponent tire themselves out." Akari smiles, "Yeah, it will definitely help us in our fights." Leo smiles to himself knowing that Akari will be fine. He wasn't the same since the Shredder tried to kill her a few months ago.

Leo then leaves the dojo to think. It was odd for him to not mediate, and it was noticeable that he wasn't mediating. Master Splinter goes up to him, "My son, I've noticed that you are having a hard time mediating when Akari is in the same room. Why is that?" Leo sighs as he said, "I don't know, Sensei. It's like I am worried about her the whole time." Splinter then stroke his beard as he pondered on what Leonardo had said. He looks down, "My son, I know exactly what you are talking about. You have the same feelings for her as I did for Tang Shen." Leo's eyes widen. He didn't think that he was in love with his best friend. He tried to argue, "I don't think I'm in love with Akari, Sensei. S-she is just a friend." When he stuttered the last sentence out, Splinter knew that wasn't true. He didn't argue and just accepted it, "If you say so, my son. Just don't lose her." He walked away and left. Leo was awestruck and was left to his thoughts.

As the eldest turtle left the dojo, Raph and Akari looked at each other confused. They never saw Leo so unfocused on mediating before and it worried them. They decided to go to see Donnie about it. When they got to the lab, Mikey was in there too. Apparently, they all noticed a change in the Leader. Donnie stated, "I'm assuming you guys noticed Leo is acting weird, right?" Raph nodded, "Yeah he was different when Akari and I were sparring." Akari nodded, "Yeah it's like he is so worried that I'll get hurt again. It's been like that since the Shredder nearly killed me." Mikey spoke loudly, "Maybe he likes you Akari." He teases as the kunoichi shook her head. She didn't think Leo would like her like that. That's why she didn't want to tell them about her crush on him. Before they could continue, Leo walks in, "Guys, are you ready for Patrol?" The four teens all nodded, and they headed out.

While on patrol, Raph pulls Leo aside as the other three went ahead. He asks, "Ok Leo, what's going on? You seem like you're distant around Akari." Leo sighs and said, "Fine, I'll tell you but swear that you won't tell the others." Raph nodded and Leo exhales. He continues, "I'm in love with Akari." Raph scoffs and rolled his eyes, "Wow. I could've told you that." Leo was dumbfounded, "What?" Raph chuckled, "Yeah it's obvious." Leo's face rivaled Raph's mask. He stuttered, "I didn't realize that all. Does Akari know?" Raph shook his head and smirks, "You should tell her soon." Leo nodded as they went to find the others.

Meanwhile, Donnie was looking at Akari in concern. Ever since we found out about her mother, she's been quiet while staring at her photo. No one but Akari and Splinter knew what happened so Donnie asks as Raph and Leo joined them, "Hey Akari? Why do you look at the photo constantly? Who is she?" Akari sighs, "I forgot that you guys didn't know. The woman is my mother. Sakura Bradford. Master Splinter used to be friends with her when he was human. He told me that she was a strong and fierce woman who wasn't afraid of anything. It made me realize where I came from, and it gives me something to fight for." Donnie nods as Leo looks in awe. He never seen Akari so passionate about her dreams and he knew she will be great. He spoke, "If she were here now, she would be very proud of you." Akari smiled as she said, "Thanks, Leo." They all headed home since it was a slow night.

(I know it's short but at least know they have feelings, but the other doesn't know)

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