I Think His Name is Baxter Stockman

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While the guys were who knows what in the living room, I was training with Master Splinter. We had to stop when we heard Mikey yelled, "Ya! Booyakasha!" We looked at each other then walked in the living room and I froze. Mikey was skating down a ramp and was going to jump over the other three, who were crouched at the base. Sensei yelled, "What is going on in here?" Leo spoke as they all stood up, "Sensei!" Mikey screamed as he crashed into them. Splinter asks the group of boys, "How many times have I told you not to skateboard in the lair?" Mikey answers, "None, Sensei." Splinter yells, "I shouldn't have to tell you!" Leo spoke as they stood up from the turtle pile, "You're right, Sensei. We definitely should have known better and we deserve to be punished. Eh, some." He finished with his head down. I shook my head disappointed. Splinter spoke, "And what do you think would be a fitting punishment?" Leo looks at his brothers, who ignore him, then to me but I shook my head. I wasn't going to get him out of this after re ruined training. He answers, "Well, uh, we we should clean up our mess? And then think about what we did." The guys agree, "Yeah. - Sounds about right. - We were wrong. - Wouldn't want to do too much. No worries." Splinter asks me, "Akari, do you agree with this?" While the guys looked at me, hoping I would, and I shook my head, "I think it needs more because it interrupted my training and mediation." Splinter nods and said, "What about being grounded for a week?" The guys all said, "Oh, I'm not sure that's- I'm cool with the thinking. Really, that's not necessary. Maybe next time." I nodded to splinter and he tells them, "You're grounded for a week!" The ramp then fell causing a bigger mess.

After I left the guys to clean, I went to my room to meditate. When I came out, they were not happy. Raph yells, "Gah! This bites! I can't believe we're stuck down here for a whole week!" I rolled my eyes seeing this was stupid that they are complaining. Donnie runs in, "Guys, guys! You wanna see what I made?" I looked at Donnie and then nodded as Raph answers, "This is how bored I am. Yes, Donnie. I do." Donnie fanboys and continues, "Ok, ok, ok! Remember the other day I was scrounging in that military junkyard?" I tilted my head and the guys answer, "No." Donnie spoke, Well, I found an incredibly advanced A. I. microchip, made from Get this! Self-assembled chain-linked copolymers!" Mikey spoke, "That's my favorite kind of copolymer." I shook my head since Mikey doesn't even know what is a copolymer." Donnie continues, "Mine too! And I used it to make this. The most advanced music player in the world. So who wants to try it?" He held up a small player. Mikey yells, "I do! - Toss me the Tpod." Donnie asks, "The Tpod?" Mikey continued "Turtle. Pod. Tpod. I am so good at naming stuff." Raph spoke, "You're really gonna plug an advanced piece of military technology directly into Mikey's head? What if it melts his brain?" Donnie answers, "It won't. And even if it did, who'd know the difference?" Mikey hits plays and screams. Donnie asks, "What? What's wrong?" Mikey explains, "It's polka! Make it stop! Make it stop!" Donnie pressed slip as Mikey smiles, "Thanks." Mikey danced and Raph groans, "That's it. I gotta get out of here." Leo asks, "Where are you going? We're grounded." I rolled my eyes, "Not all of us are grounded Leo." Raph continues, "I don't care. I gotta do something or I'm gonna go nuts!" He grabs his skateboard and said, "Let's find a skate spot!" I nodded and grabbed my roller skates. Mikey chimes in, "Skate spot? I'm totally in!" Leo asks, "But what's Splinter gonna say?" Raph mimics Splinter, ""I don't know what's going on, because they snuck out while I was asleep."" Leo scoffs, "Heh. Real mature. But I'm your leader. And as your leader, I say nobody's going." We all but Leo were behind Raph. Raph counters, "Well as your followers, we're going anyway." Leo continues, "Well as your leader, I'm going with you. To lead you. Away from bad stuff." We heard Mikey yelled out. "What's wrong?" Mikey answers, "It's back to polka! We've got to get some more tunes on this!"

We then went to the rooftops and I put my skates on. We then stated to skate, well me and Mikey were. Mikey was listening to the music while I skating. My shoes were I tied around my neck by the strings. Mikey yells out, "Hey, Donnie! Thanks for all the new songs!" Donnie yells back, "Wait, what new songs?" Leo yells to them, "Keep it down, you guys!" Donnie gets on top of Mikey and said, "What the? It's got thousands of songs and it keeps downloading new ones every second!" Raph ask, "So?" Donnie sasses, "So, I didn't program it to do that. It's reconfiguring itself somehow. It's that chip!" Mikey cheers, "Whatever it is, it's awesome!" Leo yells, "Guys! We're ninjas, remember? We move swiftly and here's the important part silently. Whoa! Beehive!" He ran into a beehive that was in a rooftop greenhouse and feel down some stairs. When we all went to the side to see if he was ok, Raph yells, "That wasn't very silent, Leo." I giggled and didn't know Leo was embarrassed.

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